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Globalization and Gender Revolution

Essay Instructions:

The cumulative final paper should be 5-7 pages in length, in MLA format with footnotes. This is a formal academic paper and must address specifically the material read during this semester. You are required to use quotes from the books and essays that are part of this course. Do not write about your personal life for more than one page of the paper. Avoid generalizations and unsubstantiated claims. You must use further research to support your argument but only from primary or secondary sources. (No Wikipedia).

Images should be included where appropriate. Please consult your instructor if you have questions.Proof-read your essay before you submit it. Typographical, spelling or grammar errors will lower your grade.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Globalization and Gender Revolution Name Institution Date Globalization and gender revolution As globalization takes shape, the impact of global market demands has affected the mobility of capital, trade, more so labor. The chain of care services comes from poor countries to developed countries. With the majority of care worker being women, migrant care workers leave their care responsibilities in the hand of other women in the country of origin. A process Hochschild describes as care drain from poor to wealthy countries. This care drain is as a result of mass importation of precious kind of raw material known and care and love. The brutal forces caused by globalization have drained love away from poor countries, depriving the third world countries of their last resource. It is a common phenomenon that labor importation from poor countries fill the care gap in rich countries. Women migrants are employed as caregivers, but these migrants are forced to leave behind their care responsibilities to fulfill their family obligation (Rylko-Bauer & Farmer, 2016). This is described by Hochschild as the chain of care that exploit less developed nations. When domestic workers leave their country of origin, they are forced to leave behind their own children in the hands of other women caregivers (Ehrenreich & Hochschild, 2003). Many women are lured to the chain of care; some come from far countries to take care of strangers. In developing countries, care work is the prime export this raises legal, political and social concern about the exploitation of these poor countries (Ehrenreich & Hochschild, 2003). Arlie Russell Hochschild examines this phenomenon using case studies with detailed examples of real people and the difficult times they are forced to making difficult decisions in order to survive. Rowena story is similar to other care workers from third world countries; Rowena is from the Philippines and employed as a nanny in Washington D.C. Her responsibility is to look after two children. Being a nanny in America, she earns more like a doctor living in small town in the Philippines (Ehrenreich & Hochschild, 2003). She is among the many women from the third world, leaving behind their children and home for a better life abroad. Although she partly completed her engineering degree, Rowena could not find a job back at home. She is forced to leave her two children Clinton and Priscilla under the care of her mother (Ehrenreich & Hochschild, 2003). Rowena's family includes her parents and twelve family members with eight children, since Rowena’s mother is a teacher, Rowena is forced to hire Anna to help, and meanwhile, Anna also leaves her children under the care of her old mother in law. The money Rowena earns support her family (Ehrenreich & Hochschild, 2003). Despite earning enough money to cater for her family, Rowena has not seen her family members for five years. Hochschild stories reflect the growing global trend where importation of care and love from less developed countries to rich ones. Women expected to care of the young, the old and sick are forced to find work to go and take care of the young, sick and old in rich countries, which Hochschild calls care drain (Ehrenreich & Hochschild, 2003). Many trained professional prefer looking for better opportunities in rich countries because of the ill-equipped hospitals and low pay. This is the reason why rich nations prosper based on the labor from poor nations. The one way flow of labor is the main cause of the wide gap between rich nations and poor nations. Hochschild challenges the reader to see the relations between our personal problem and the social implications (Ehrenreich & Hochschild, 2003). In reality, migrant workers suffer in the hand of their employers; the story of Triqui and Mixtec migrants in the US describes the painful experience of being a migrant in the US. The long trek across the desert, being captured the authority’s reveals his horrific experience at the border (Rylko-Bauer & Farmer, 2016). The story reveals the salient intersection of race and class and hierarchies that are visible. Farm owners in the US greatly rely on migrant workers to survive and prosper (Rylko-Bauer &...
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