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Choose an issue of importance to you—the issue could be personal, school related, local, political, or international in scope—and write an essay in which you explain the significance of that issue to yourself, your family, your community, or your generation.

Essay Instructions:
this is an other essay that was required for the admission too for the same university, the sample i am providing is essay A and i need you to write essay D that is the topic i provided above the one i am providing is for sample only PLEASE DO NOT COPY ! The topic for the essay A was... "Statement of Purpose: REQUIRED The statement of purpose will provide an opportunity to explain any extenuating circumstances that you feel could add value to your application. You may also want to explain unique aspects of your academic background or valued experiences you may have had that relate to your academic discipline. The statement of purpose is not meant to be a listing of accomplishments in high school or a record of your participation in school-related activities. Rather, this is your opportunity to address the admissions committee directly and to let us know more about you as an individual, in a manner that your transcripts and other application information cannot convey." This is what i wrote .... "I am an international student trying to get the best education I can and I believe that University of Texas at Austin is one of the most prestigious and well-respected institutions out there. I will be honored to be a part of this University. I am looking to pursue my degree in electrical engineering because I know it will take my career to a next level. It will provide me with lots of better opportunities in the future. Engineering is my passion, and I know that this degree can turn this passion into a successful career. I have the desire to become a successful and professional engineer and eventually work in my father's company. I believe that working hard is the only key to getting a good degree and a good career for my future. To further elaborate on my experiences I would like to say that when I was a child I always wanted the best technology and gadgets that existed. After buying and obtaining the technology it was not enough. I wanted to make it even more efficient and perform things that even other devices were not able to do. For example, when I purchased a smartphone I programmed it to run the applications that were originally intended to run on Playstation/Nintendo. I implemented Playstation/Nintendo games on the smartphone by running their respective emulators on the device. I even made a remote control for my phone by using the Playstation's gaming remote. Besides re-engineering the hardware, I also learned the Visual Basic C++ language just because I wanted to make applications for my smartphone that I wanted for my own personal use. Another experience would be when I was nine years of age I dissembled and assembled a lot of my household devices. Well, to be honest, I broke most of them rather than fixing them. Even though I cost my father a fortune, he encouraged me on fixing it rather than buying a new one. When I turned ten years old I actually fixed my father's desktop computer by repartitioning the hard drive and installing a new copy of Windows, which was pretty hard to process at that time. So by breaking my fathers expensive devices and fixing them there was a spark in my eyes for technology. At that point I knew that no matter what I do my love and passion for technology can never come to an end. Being in High School it was a challenge because there were other classes that I needed to focus on other than physics and math. I was able to overcome that challenge by finishing my classwork and homework before they were due. I was then able to focus and be determined to learn as much as I could about physics and math. I also skipped lunch sometimes because I was so focused and excited to learn the different aspects of technology and how it operates. I have obtained a lot of knowledge from my experiences in high school and special projects that I have finished. Today the world is facing many challenges; for example, depleting resources and a demand for energy efficient and high technology based gadgets. There is even demand for more developers for the leading smartphone operating systems like the Android, IPhone, Blackberry and Windows Phone 7 and many more, which inspires me further to challenge myself and advance in engineering. I have always known that we can all get a degree anywhere but to get a lifetime education is something I believe that University of Texas at Austin can give me. So I decided to apply to one of the greatest universities; therefore, I want to get an admission at University of Texas at Austin." i hope this essay will give you my enough background if you need any additional info please feel free to contact me Thanks
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Essay D: The global awakening that started early in the year 2011. The recent and still ongoing protests around the world especially in the western world and Arab league nations in the Middle East and North Africa have brought to light so many issues that were for long just buried in grave silence. The assumption that all was well in the political and social scenery globally was proved to be wrong and that the current generation could not continue to keep silent on matters that were affecting their social being leave alone violating there basic human rights. In this regard, the author feels that the current generation has taken the world by storm and come out in numbers to address and protest what they feel is not working for them both socially, economically and politically since continuing of the same will adversely affect their lives and those of the other generations yet to come into the world. In fact, this has been termed by many as a sense of responsibility in that the generation feels that its no longer right to remain silent on the things that really matter and that time is ripe to tackle this whatever the cost. For instance, in the western world despite there being centuries old democracy, it recently emerged in the occupy Wall Street movement that there are very disturbing issues in the social and economic scene that are yet to be addressed by the political elite. Occupy Wall Street protest movement that started in September 2011 in the city of New York’s Wall Street at the heart of the financial district seeks to address social an...
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