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The Importance of Planning for Retirement

Essay Instructions:

Overview: In this assessment, you will write a reflection essay that explores how you chose to incorporate feedback on your argument, your exploration of the issue, and your source integration in the persuasive essay, as well as how your incorporation of resources supported your claim. Additionally, you will note any challenges you faced in incorporating resources and developing your argument throughout the writing process.

Prompt: Previously, you identified an issue in your current major, a major you are interested in pursuing, or your field of work. You then established an argument and supported that argument with research and relevant evidence. In this assignment, you will reflect on how you chose to incorporate feedback concerning your argument, your exploration of the issue, and your integration of sources. Additionally, you will note any challenges you faced in incorporating resources and developing your argument throughout the writing process.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Reflection

A. What peer-review feedback did you choose to incorporate concerning your argument and why?

B. What challenges did you face in developing your argument? What could you have done differently?

C. What peer-review feedback did you choose to incorporate concerning your exploration of the issue and why?

D. What peer-review feedback did you choose to incorporate concerning your effective source integration and why?

E. What writing strategies were most effective in supporting your argument, given your audience, subject, and purpose?


Guidelines for Submission: Your reflective essay must be 5-8 sentences long for each prompt (plus a cover page if written in APA format) and written in MLA or

APA format. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. This assessment will be completed through the interactive activity

provided in your MindEdge eLearning materials and then submitted through the learning environmen

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Importance of Planning for Retirement
The Importance of Planning for Retirement
1. Reflection
A. Peer review feedback on the argument
The peer-reviewed feedback used to incorporate concerning the argument under review was analyzing the trend of the people living in the job market. A person needs to understand the trends in the market and how those retiring people live after leaving their jobs. Having the information will act as a guide for analyzing other aspects such as the role of family, government, and employers in making sure people retire with sizable savings.
B. Challenges
Several challenges were faced when doing the project, although some were easy to overcome. One of the main challenges when doing the project was developing a solid thesis statement. However, with a lot of research and help from the tutor, this challenge was soon overcome. The other challenge was getting materials for the project. All the materials related to the topic are not free, and one has to buy them to get access. However, some good free material was available online and in libraries that made it easy for me to complete the project. Finally, it was harder to manage time because of other commitments. One of the things that I would do differently is to start the project early to avoid rushing.
C. Peer Review Feedback on the Argument In Exploring the Topic
The peer-reviewe...
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