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Attracting International Students to the University of Ottawa

Essay Instructions:

Persuasive Memo Assignment

Based on your experience as a student at the University of Ottawa, write a persuasive memo to the appropriate recipient that makes a proposal concerning one of the following topics:

  1. How can the University of Ottawa better address the student mental-health crisis on campus?
  2. Many students struggle to pay rising tuition costs as well as living expenses. Propose a new funding model to make post-secondary education more affordable for students.
  3. How can the University of Ottawa attract more international students?
  4. In light of the sudden shift to online learning during Covid-19, should the University of Ottawa prioritize the development of online learning for the future (even as they anticipate a return to in-person learning)?
  5. What is the single most important thing the University of Ottawa can do to improve the undergraduate student experience? (Does not have to be Covid-19 specific)

You must include:

  • A transmittal message (p. 278)
    • formatted as an email; message should include purpose of memo; brief details; request for follow up/ further instructions; contact info).
  • A memo:
    • An introduction.
    • A summary of the memo comprised of no more than four to five succinct bullet points. Write a true summary: do not simply cut and paste information from other parts of the memo. Include crucial timelines if relevant. 
    • Body content (Components here are up to you and depend on the purpose of your memo—you may include: background; problem; analysis; pros/cons; etc.)
    • Final recommendation(s).

Separate other information with subheadings (background; analysis of other programs / policies; pros and cons) depending on the context and purpose of the memo.


  • You are in charge of developing the context of your memo—find the specific person/group of people at the University of Ottawa you need to address the memo to.
  • Follow APA formatting (works cited should be included as an appendix)
  • Choose direct or indirect style (should be appropriate for the context and reflect your audience’s understanding of the subject and their feelings towards the subject)
  • Reference and attach (as an appendix) important factual information such as bios, company or community profiles, maps, etc. Be judicious here—it’s not required to attache such info.
  • Transmittal message should be brief, and on a separate page than the memo (remember, the memo is attached to the transmittal message).
  • Complete the assignment in a doc., docx., or PDF; upload to Brightspace.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student's First Name, Middle Initial(s), Last Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Number and Name
Instructor's Name and Title
Assignment Due Date
Transmittal Message
From: Chancellor, University of Ottawa
To: Students and the entire administration.
Subject: International Students and how to attract them to the University of Ottawa.
It is hard to acknowledge that the University is facing difficulties, and given that you are an important stakeholder, you must understand the current situation and the strategies that will be initiated to deal with the problem. The institution is facing financial problems, and from the education sector, the students are not performing well. The solution to this problem is advancing to taking applications from international students. The memo is meant to inform the school, the administration, and the entire community about the value of international students and how the University will attract more international students. For more information; +236 246 2838, Successforall@gmail.com.
Introduction and Summary
The memo is addressed to students and the entire administration because the institution is currently undergoing financial problems and underperformance cases. The solution is deliberated to be attracting more international students to the institution. In summary, the memo highlights the value of international students. It explains the positive impact they are likely to bring to the organization. It also elaborates the specific reasons why these international students are essential. The memo then explains how more international students can be attracted to the institution. Finally, recommendations on what the University should do are provided.
Value of international Students
International students play an imperative role in a university. To some extent, the University of Ottawa needs to embrace more international students because they contribute to the institution's diversity and internationalization, which influences the student population positively on different levels (Sin et al., 2013). One of the reasons the University should attract more international students is that international students contribute to academic prestige and financial benefits. Most international students are the best in their countries, and for this reason, they are likely to spark intellectual rivalry by bringing new different ways of thought (Andrade, 2009). Second, overseas learners are becoming a more visible and significant source of multiculturalism on university campuses. With their native cultures and regional backgrounds, they contribute to the global richness of universities. International students also assist instructors and other students develop intercultural sensitivity and capabilities in interacting with individuals from other backgrounds (Bitchener & Knoch, 2008).
The University of Ottawa should also consider attracting more international students because they will play an imperative role in representing significant economic and international relations through their expenses. These students assist institutions in increasing income through enrollment and other charges. As a result, overseas students will make an enormous monetary contribution to the University of Ottawa, and if their requirements are addressed, they can serve as the perfect link for subsequent foreign candidates who will perpetuate this contributing cycle. Unfortunately, many international students encounter difficulties while pursuing advanced learning outside of their native nations (Urban et al., 2014). They face challenges such as foreign foods, unusual living situations, economic hardship, managing employment, studying routines, cognitive strategies, or any language, cultural, or personal hurdles. These challenges tend to hinder their desire to attend outside universities (Babin et al., 2001). Meaning for the University of Ottawa to attract more students, they should address these challenges.
How to attract more international Students
The University of Ottawa can increase the number of international students by ensuring that all the international students are comfortable upon their arrival ...
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