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The Impact of Environmental Law on Environmental Conservation

Essay Instructions:

JPE 252 Discussion Paper #2

Length: 1000 to 1250 words (roughly 4 to 5 pages double spaced) not including references

This paper will consist of a response to one of the questions below. The paper must identify an argument related to the question and support that argument with evidence from academic sources. The argument should be stated clearly in a thesis statement and then supported throughout the paper using sources as evidence. The paper will be evaluated based not on the position you decide to support, there is no right or wrong a Discussion Paper #2nswer, but on the quality of your argument and how you deploy evidence (your sources) to support that argument. 

In writing your paper, you must use at least 4 sources. 2 sources can be from course readings and you must locate at least 2 additional academic sources. You may of course also use additional readings from the course or other sources located by you. All sources must be referred to in the text of the paper and not just listed in the bibliography (as per standard APA rules).

Your paper must include:

  • An introduction including a clear statement of your thesis in support or opposition to the question posed.
  • A clearly developed argument, using evidence from your 4 academic sources, in support of your thesis.
  • A conclusion that restates your thesis and the argument found in your paper.
  • The paper must use the APA citation and reference list format.

Choose one of the Questions below:

  1. Aquaculture (fish or sea food farming) and fracking (hydraulic fracturing for oil and gas) have become controversial because of their potential impact on the environment. Choose one and argue whether or not the laws and regulations that govern these activities in Canada are sufficient to protect the environment and the people that rely on that environment.
  2. Environmental rights (explained in Muldoon et al, 2020, Chapter 12) provide citizens the opportunity to pursue environmental protection when governments fail to act. Are environmental rights an effective way to protect the environment and people in Canada?

Both questions are very broad!

  • Choose one element such as specific element such as the impact of fracking on water or salmon farming specifically (question 1) or on specific rights and/or you can choose to focus on a specific jurisdiction (question 2).
  • Narrow the question to something that interests you!
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The Impact of Environmental Law on Environmental Conservation
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