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Nursing: Immune Disorders in Paediatrics and Geriatrics

Essay Instructions:

Assignment: Immune Disorders in Pediatrics and Geriatrics

In this week's Discussion, you began exploring the pathophysiology and treatment for immune disorders, such as HIV, psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease, and systemic lupus E. You continue this exploration as you consider these disorders in specific patient groups: pediatrics and geriatrics. As an advanced practice nurse, you must understand the differences in the pathophysiology of these patients, as well as how the drugs used to treat immune disorders might impact the body systems of pediatric and geriatric patients. These two patient groups process and respond to drugs differently than the average adult in their absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of drugs. For this reason, special consideration must be taken when treating immune disorders in pediatric and geriatric patients.

To prepare:

Review this week's media presentation on antimicrobials.

Select one of the following immune disorders: HIV, psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease, or systemic lupus E (SLE).

Note: Select a different disorder than the two that you selected for this week's Discussion.

Think about the pathophysiology of your selected disorder. Compare pathophysiological changes in pediatric and geriatric patients.

Consider the types of drugs that are used to treat symptoms associated with your selected disorder. Reflect on how the drugs might impact various body systems in pediatric and geriatric patients, as well as measures you might take to help reduce any negative effects.

Reflect on how you might educate a pediatric patient on the disorder you selected and how you might educate a geriatric patient on the same disorder. Consider how you would promote medication adherence, as well.

By Day 7 of Week 4

To complete:

Write a 3- to 4-page paper that addresses the following:

Explain the pathophysiology of the disorder you selected. Then, compare pathophysiological changes in pediatric and geriatric patients.

Describe the types of drugs that are used to treat symptoms associated with the disorder you selected. Explain how these drugs might impact various body systems in pediatric and geriatric patients, as well as measures you might take to help reduce any negative effects.

Explain how you might educate a pediatric patient on the disorder you selected and how you might educate a geriatric patient on the same disorder. Include your rationale for each approach, as well as how you would promote medication adherence.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Course title:
Nursing: Immune disorders in paediatrics and geriatrics
Psoriasis is a skin disorder that consists of a focal formation of an inflamed raised plague, which sheds scales that come from excessive epithelial cell skin growth (Mahajan & Handa, 2013). This disease is defined by skin cellular changes on the hyperplasia of keratinocytes of the epidermal, infiltration of T lymphocytes, leucocytes and neutrophils that affect the skin and vascular hyperplasia (Mayo Clinic, 2015)
Pathophysiology of psoriasis
Psoriasis pathogenesis is not understood clearly. The triggers of the diseases include traumatic insult, stressful life events, and infectious episodes. Environmental and generic factors also cause the disease. Once triggered, there will be a substantial leukocyte to the dermis and epidermis that is infiltrated by activated T cells (Mahajan & Handa, 2013). These T cells seem to be able to induce keratinocyte proliferation. What supports this is histologic examinations and immune histochemically staining of the psoriatic plagues, which show high numbers of T cells containing psoriasis lesions. A deregulated inflammatory process has high production of cytokines which explains many clinical features of psoriasis. High levels of TNF-a correlate with flares of psoriasis. The hyperactivity of T- cells and resultant proinflammatory mediators like IL-17/23 are boosters in the pathogenesis of psoriasis. The skin of patients with psoriasis have vascular engorgement that is caused by superficial dilation of blood vessels and alteration of the epidermal cells. Improper cell maturation is caused by epidermal hyperplasia that causes increased turnover rates for cells (Mahajan & Handa, 2013).
Parakeratosis occurs when cells that would lose their nuclei in the stratum granulosum retain the nuclei. This, plus the affected cells that fail to release the required numbers of lipids that would cement adhesions of corneocytes, would result to the formation of a poorly adherent stratum corneum that causes flaking, and scaly representations of psoriasis lesions. Patients with psoriasis would have conjunctival impression cytology that is shown by high amount of squamous metaplasia, nuclear chromatin changes and neutrophil clumping (Meffert, 2016).
Pathophysiological changes in Pediatric and geriatrics patients
Pediatric patients have excess adiposity and increased central adiposity despite of the psoriasis severity. Psoriasis in Pediatric patients is more pruritic and common in girls. The lesions are thinner, softer and less scaly (Dhar et al, 2011). The common type disease is plague while erythroderma, arthroplasty and pustular psoriasis are rare. Psoriasis in Pediatric patients in facilitated by infections and it manifests to acute guttate psoriasis (Ryan et al, 2014).
Geriatrics patients have a high prevalence to comorbid medical conditions and age related pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of system medications (Ryan et al, 2014). These patients are aged and their skin has changed, and it has limited capability of protecting itself. The collagen is reduced by one percent per year, making the skin thin. Loss of collagen results in wrinkling. The skin decreases in elasticity since elastic fibres decreases. The dermis loses its blood supply since there is decreased blood supply with age and this makes it hard for a damaged skin to be healed. It also slows down cell replacement therefore, causing reduction in cell turnover in the epidermis by 50%, hence slowing the healing process. There is decreased melanocytes which produces cells that cause skin lightening and results to age spots. The reduction in number of Langerhans cells which act as immune moderators and macrophage, increases the risk of skin infections (Petrou, 2013).
Drug types used for symptom treatment
Topical treatments
These are oils and ointments applied on the skin to treat mild and moderate cases of psoriasis (Dhar et al, 2011).These topical treatments include: topical corticosteroids, vitamin D analogues, anthralin, topical retinods, calcineurin inhibitors, salicylic acid, coal tar, and moisturizers (Mayo Clinic, 2015).
Light therapy or phototherapy
This form of treatment uses ultraviolet light through exposing the skin to a certain and controlled amount of ultraviolet light- natural sunlight. It also involves using artificial ultraviolet light A or ultraviolet light B, alone or while combining other medications (Meffert, 2016). They include sunlight, U...
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