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Identity Reflection: The Concept of Standpoint Theory

Essay Instructions:

hi for this paper you can use the Eritrean culture an tradition. moreover you can explain it from the instruction down below. to emphasize about my self am female 28 years old, came to America 6 years ago, very strong independent, going full time school and working as same time, single, no kids, have 10 siblings, very close to my family, earn enough money for myself, vegetarian, want to be a nurse, and good looking. use this information when you write it and use simple English.
secondly, you can say that am in between Eritrean culture and American culture and trying fit in. I challenge many problems with language, having low confidence to meet new people, some people treat me differently because am not from here, feeling out cast, and so on. the following below is the teacher's instruction. If you have question you can message me thanks.
The personal identity assignment is an opportunity to conduct a focused reflection on your cognitive framework and your worldview. This essay is tied to the concept of “Standpoint Theory” ~ the place from which we view and make sense of the world around us. You’ll discuss some elements of your cultural identity and how it shapes your perceptions/communication. Cultural identity is defined as our “situated sense of self that is shaped by our cultural experiences and social locations.” Our identities develop through our relationships with others ~ our families, our friends, and those we see as “outside” our group. Our cultural identities are constructed from the languages we speak, the stories we tell, as well as the norms, behaviors, rituals, and nonverbal communication we enact. Histories passed along from within our cultural group in addition to representations of our group by others also shape our cultural identities (Sorrells, 2016). Our cultural identities serve to bond us with others, giving us a sense of belonging. Cultural identities also provide a buffer protecting us from others we or our group see as different from ourselves; and cultural identities can also function as bridges connecting us to others who are viewed as different. Our cultural identities intersect with and are impacted by our other social identities, including our ethnic, “racial,” gender, class, age, religious, and national identities (Sorrells, 2016). Our identities are not “fixed,” but are complex, multifaceted, and fluid. They are multiple but non-‐‐summative. They intersect, shape, and are shaped in turn by the expression of the identities of others. Part I The first part of your paper should utilize each letter from the word “RESPECTFUL.” (This takes about two double-‐‐spaced pages.) Make use of the resources on Canvas when the concepts are unfamiliar. You can either use each word as a section heading, or do a narrative (please “bold” the terms in your account, if you do the latter). 
R Religious/Spiritual Identity (including major celebrations)
E Ethnic Identity (different from physical/ “racial” identity) 
S Sexual / Gender Identity 
P Power Distance Orientation 
E Economic (or “class”) Identity 
C Communication / Language(s) Spoken
T Time Orientation F Face work / Face Negotiation
U Uncertainty Avoidance and Ambiguity
L Low/High Context Communication Style 
Part II After completing the “lettered” sections, follow with your reflection on how your identity shapes your worldview and interactions (about two-‐‐to-‐‐three double-‐‐spaced pages). To help frame you.

Look over your personal/cultural characteristics and discuss how they shape your worldview and self-‐‐view ~ these are the lenses through which we interpret, make meaning, and assign value to our experience. Do you see yourself as part of the “mainstream” or “dominant” culture in the United States, or more tightly aligned with a co-‐‐culture? Do you see yourself as part of more than one culture? Do you engage in trying to preserve your identity and/or resist assimilation, or do you feel accepted as you are? How do you see yourself negotiating these dimensions in the future?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Personal Identity
Personal Identity
What does it mean to be person that one is and continue to exist as such? Personal identity is a highly studied subject that depicts the importance of the topic and immense elements that are associated with it (Shoemaker, 2005). Scholars and philosophers such as Descartes, Plato and John Locke among others all tried to explain the elements of personal identity. According to Descartes and Plato along with quite a number of world religions, persons are actually immaterial souls and thus can continue to live on even after their bodies die. John Locke on the other hand expressed his thoughts on the subject explaining that personal identity was more of a psychological continuity. According to the stand point theory, personal identity forms the foundation of how we view and make sense of the world that lives around us. As such personal identity shapes our perceptions about ourselves and that which surround us and furthermore helps with interactions.
In light of the fact that I come from Eritrea, my family has largely been religious and brought up with the Christian values. From a young age my parents were very keen to make sure that we understood the teachings of the bible and the way that Christians are supposed to behave and interact with the world. Quite a large population of the Eritrean population is of the Islamic faith and for centuries the two communities have lived in peace. It is an aspect that has dominated much of my religious values, where I respect those of different faiths as much as I would want to be treated (Shoemaker, 2005).
I came to America six years ago at the age of twenty two from Eritrea. A lot of my ethnic background has played part in many of the encounters that I have had with different people in my new found home. Relative to the fact that I am Eritrean, quite a number of the people that I interact with tend to treat me differently. Interacting with different persons from the different ethnic background has had quite some interesting turn of events and developments. Physically I have defining features I have defining features that set me apart from most of the people around me (Shoemaker, 2005). This has for some subtle reason been one of the identifying elements of my identity, in light of the fact that, due to my physical features, I tend to get racially identified and treated as diff...
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