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Assassination of Abraham Lincoln Essay

Essay Instructions:

In an organized, well developed report 3 – 5 typed pages, compare Julius Caesar with one of the following assassinated leaders:
Yitzhak Rabin
Abraham Lincoln
Malcolm X
Czar Nicholas II of Russia

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Compare Julius Caesar and Abraham Lincoln
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Julius Caesar and Abraham Lincoln are two great men who developed history through their leadership missions on their respective countries. Lives of these leaders had unique similarities and differences. Similarities between them can be compared by assessing the history of their lives. They served as leaders of the past though people still inquire about their life history even in the present society due to the contributions they made in the world. When assessing comparison of these two leaders, a key vital aspect of their history is their assassinations that disclose both differences and similarities. The assassinations were executed by individuals who disagreed with power and authority of Caesar and Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln and Julius Caesar shared several similarities, but they also had their own differences.
To start, both Lincoln and Caesar were great leaders who had enormous power and authority. They both ruled over nations and had enormous effects in their respective nations. It is surprising that the two great leaders were both assassinated. It cannot be forgotten that they both transformed the world based on their own individual techniques. Both Lincoln and Caesar involved in many wars and gave assistance to tackle such wars. Caesar served as a soldier in several wars while Lincoln participated in the American civil war.
The birth of Caesar created a new era in the Roman history. He was a statesman and Roman General, who transformed the Roman Republic into a powerful Roman Empire (Figueira, Brennan, Sternberg, and Heskel, 2001). At the age of 31, Caesar had fought in several wars and participated in Roman politics. Even after his death, the Roman Empire was transformed forever.
Abraham Lincoln served as the 16th president of the United States. He saved America during the civil war and helped to ensure that slavery was abolished (Steers, 2001). Lincoln is still recognized as one of the greatest heroes of the United States. His contribution in the United States transformed the manner in which Americans think about people.
Caesar’s life and his assassination were quite different from that of Lincoln, although had a little comparable. The two leaders lived in two different periods. Caesar was born in 100 BC in Rome. During the time he was born, Rome was still a republic country, and the Empire was just starting to develop. Caesar became a leader in the republic nation where citizens were not involved in making decisions (Jimenez, 2000). This Caesar had great authority and power in his nation, and he was capable of establishing a huge army. With the assistance of the army under his command, he was able to conquer new territories and gained victory. Caesar continued to develop more power as years elapsed. By 62 BC, Caesar gained to praetorship using his own ways, but several members of the senate felt that he was an ambitious and dangerous person. Just similar to Lincoln, Caesar started having many enemies once he began gaining more powers. Caesar was a powerful person who began becoming a threat to the members of the Senate who never liked him including changes he was creating in the nation.
Unlike Lincoln, Caesar had the interest of amassing much power and controlling many territories as much as possible. Though, Caesar had the interest of controlling a lot of lands, he believed that it was important for Rome ...
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