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How Project Management Can Influence McDonald Corporation's Other Departments and Functions

Essay Instructions:

Scheduling and Project Management (PERT and CPM)
Consider the organization you selected for Module 1. Integrate the concepts and operations management principles that you've been studying in this module and turn in your one to two page paper addressing the following questions:
-How project management influence other departments and functions of this organization (i.e., marketing, finance, accounting, human resources, etc.)?
-What are the difficulties or limitations for implementing PERT and CPM in the organization?
SLP Assignment Expectations
1 .Answer questions with clarity.
2 .Show depth and breadth in your paper to enhance the quality of your paper.
3. Try your best to search in our library to find some papers/articles to support your argument and show them in the reference list.
My Organization I selected is McDonalds

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Scheduling and project management (PERT and CPM)
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According to Clive, Gael and Jens (2010), McDonald is one of the largest food retailer in America as well as globally. The organization has more than 32,000 restaurants across 119 countries. The company receives more than 69 million customers daily. The restaurants provide a variety of high-quality menu options including quality uniform menu of cheeseburgers and hamburgers and various menu options. This study aims to analyze how project management can influence other departments and functions of McDonald corporation, while examining limitations and challenges of implementing CPM and PERT in the organization.
Project management is an essential tool that can help enhance management of the McDonald Corporation. Project management can help to maintain a competitive edge for the company in today’s economy. Chunlai (2013) explains that project management can assist to understand nature of challenges in applying solutions with sufficient time measures. Effective project management techniques can assist the organization to perform large-scale projects on budget, on time, and with minimum disruption to the entire functions of the company. Project management can assist to coordinate tasks delegated in every department of the organization. The role of project management can help to facilitate continuous operation of the activities under operation department of McDonald Corporation. Project activities aim at creating unique services, products and processes for satisfying customers’ needs. Achieving this objective requires creation of effective plans, integration of resources and utilization of budgeting, planning and communication skills to ensure project completion.
The company’s managers can take advantage of project management to control and monitor schedules and processes to ensure tasks are completed on budget and on time. At McDonald Corporation, customer services are under human resource department whose task is to monitor the effectiveness of procedures and policies governing operations of company’s activities (Chunlai, 2013). Developing a project timeline can assist to coordinate organization’s project activities with the ongoing daily business activities, and to ensure that the schedules are set with targets within every phase on timely manner.
Project management can assist set out activities to be achieved on budget, and enable the m...
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