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How College Education Help in Toughest Leadership Challenge and Community Service Leadership

Essay Instructions:

For all scholarships
prepare a brief essay discussing both of the following topics. Please limit your response to 1,000 words (Not per question but a total of 1,000 words).
Discuss the toughest leadership challenge/situation you have faced and explain how a college education will help you be a better leader in the future.
Discuss a community service leadership role you have participated in, and how it impacted you and those you served.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Discuss the toughest leadership challenge/situation you have faced and explain how a college education will help you be a better leader in the future.
Leaders face different challenges, and while the ways of dealing with issues might differ, the problems are similar. First of all, being a leader is a challenge and calls for one to rise to the occasion and seize control over a situation or people. However, it is never easy, and when one shows any signs of lethargy or weakness, failure becomes a reality. Regardless of the crisis at hand, leaders are expected to remain calm and resolve whichever problem that might have ensued. Juniors look to their leader for things like strength, hope, motivation, etc., and when they find none of these in their leaders, most tend to find their way without the consent or leadership of the person in charge. The challenges leaders face can either be internal or external. Some might say that external issues are the toughest but the toughest leadership challenge I have faced is internal. To some people, impatience is just a bad habit, but I came to realize that it was a huge challenge to me as a leader.
Impatience is an internal challenge, and I found myself at fault for either asking too much of my juniors or at times asking for more productivity with limited timelines. As per the traditional forms of leadership, a leader should always be feared and is at liberty to ask for more input from their juniors. Apparently, I unknowingly ascribed to this law and always sought to have what I want to be done and in record times. However, this law is outdated, and I found the team at fault almost all the time. I never thought that I was the problem and hence time and again, I blamed my team for the lateness and inconsistencies that we had become accustomed to. The above directly reveals the main issue that accompanies internal challenges; denial. I always believed that I was not a part of the problem and thus sought for the issue in the team while exempting myself. However, after convening a meeting where everyone was asked to speak freely, I realized that the team or its potential was not the problem, but my impatience was.
Being impatient keeps one under pressure, and if a person is a leader, the pressure is transferred to his juniors or team members. I was in the same situation and even though I pictured myself as a perfect leader, it soon became clear that I was failing the group. The biggest mistake that leaders make is the failure to realize that they are a part of the problem. When a leader acknowledges that he is not flawless and that he could be the problem, it becomes easier to find a solution jointly. Fortunately, one of my greatest strengths is that I learned to acknowledge my mistakes and thus made it easy for the group to move forward w...
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