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How To Avoid Wars In Modern Society: Prevention

Essay Instructions:

The attachment is the prompt. To use two readings to support your argument of how to aviod war in modern society. There should be three to four body paragraphs with each body paragraphs proviod an arguement about how to prevent wars. The intro paragraph should have a brief background about what you are writing about and introducing two authors(the reqiured reading which i will upload) from the reading. A clear thesis statement should also include in the paragraph. Each body paragraph should open with a clear topic sentence about the main arguement in the body paragraph. The conclusion should be a brief summery about the whole essay. Each body paragraph should include two quotes( one from each reading) and follow up with a anaylsis to explain why the quote supoort the idea of war prevention. Downbelow are two reading that should use as support evidence to support how to prevent war. No need to cite the essay because I will to citation on my own but I do need quotation mark around the quote.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Avoiding War Name: Institution: Course: Date: Avoiding War Living in a world that is constantly evolving, it is interesting to note that most of the developments that have been made across the globe are generally collaborated. Constantly, the realm of technology has lit the path to progression in the last few decades. Making some of the most dramatic advances in the world in the shortest time. Sharing and collaborating technologies as well as information is swift where parties are cordial in their relations. However, without collaboration there is conflict among the nations, as vested interests take on a rather selfish approach to the personalized gains at the expense of the neighbors. The war is an ugly phase of the human existence mostly relative to the fact that, it involves death and violence. It is interesting to note that, the article by Torie Rose Deghett titled, The War Photo No One Would Publish and the Book, The World is Flat, by Thomas Friedman all have some very insightful information about how the world is interconnected. More importantly, is the topic on how to stop the war between the different factions of the world. The article by Torie largely focuses on the photographs taken during the war and the stories that they tell of the horror of the war (DeGhett, 2014). On the other hand, the Book by Thomas on chapter twelve dwells on the interconnected nature of the world. Different parts of the world play important roles in the flat universe as the author indicates (Friedman, 2006). In the interest of the interconnected nature of the various factions of the world, it is easy to see why wars only work to dismantle the subtle bridges and relationships that exist between countries and the resources that are available between the partners across the globe. The world trade today is an integrated mesh of activities where each of the country economy relies on the other parties in the group. It is common for countries to send their diplomatic envoys to other countries to make sure that they interests are looked into. This is relative to the fact that governments understand the importance of healthy relationships that they maintain with other countries. It is clear that there are competing interests and this would explain the envoys. Still, at the base of the interest is the recognition of the relationships that exists between countries for there to be healthy trade activities across the party borders. As Thomas indicates, ‘The real subject of this chapter is how these classic geopolitical threats might be moderated or influenced by the new forms of collaboration fostered and demanded by the flat world-particularly supply chaining. The flattening of the world is too young for us to draw any definitive conclusions. What is certain, though, is that as the world flattens, one of the most interesting dramas to watch in international relations will be the interplay between the traditional global threats and the emergent global supply chains. The interaction between old-time threats (like China versus Taiwan) and just-in-time supply chains (like China plus Taiwan) will be a rich source of study for the field of international relations in the early twenty-first century’ (Friedman, 2006). The relations that exist between nations are constantly shifting relative to the demands and utility of the resources. More importantly, the health of the relationships determines the growth that the countries experience at any given time (Friedman, 2006). The supply chains are the key to the relations and they are formed on a constant shift, relative to the new forms of collaborations. Countries will constantly rely on one another to make different process work and even maintain the industry needs and demand. As Thomas indicates, there is an element of collaboration that is involved in the manufacture and assembly of his computer on which his book was written (Friedman, 2006). It is through the recognition of such elements of integration of goods and services supply chains that, should be addressed every time there is a spike in the calls for war. War will only work to destabilize such relations and form new ones that are unsustainable. It is important to note that much of the instability comes from the collision of the various interest of the various countries as they try to assert their dominance over others in the supply chain management. As Torie indicates in article, ‘Jarecke took the picture just before a ceasefire officially ended Operation Desert Storm—the U.S.-led military action that drove Saddam Hussein and his troops out of Kuwait, which they had annexed and occupied the previous Aug...
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