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Compare Psalm 23 and the Sermon on the Mount

Essay Instructions:

The works have similar themes, or messages. What is the main idea of each work? How are the works alike? How are they different? How is the style, or genre, of each work appropriate to its purpose? (These questions are meant to give you some guidance to compare the two works, but you will need to choose one or two of these questions to answer, or create your own comparison. You can't answer all of these questions well in 1-2 pages.)

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Compare Psalm 23 and the Sermon on the Mount Author’s name Institution’s name Date Compare Psalm 23 and the Sermon on the Mount The Sermon on the Mount and Psalms 23 have similar themes and messages. They are both important passages of the bible. Though they are derived from the New and the Old testaments respectively, they have similarities that are worth exploring. To begin with, it is significant to point out that both passages are speaking about the character of the person whose God is going to bless. At this point, it is worth noting that not every person is blessed by God, but only those who walk and live according to his standards. Both passages are talking about the rewards of doing the will of God and following his commands. In Psalms 23, the bible records that goodness and mercy will always follow the person who is shepherded by the Lord (Psalms 23:6, New International Version). It further says that even though this person may walk through the valley of the shadow of death, he shall never fear evil because the Lord will always be with him. This is the same with the Sermon on the Mount. This was Jesus Christ speaking to the crowd at the mountain. He was teaching them about being blessed. It was a sermon about the ingredients of being blessed by God. For example, he says that blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. He further points out that blessed are the blessed are those who make peace for they shall be called children of God (Matthew 5:9, New International Version). Jesus was teaching the crowd that it is not in vain ...
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