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Colliding Spaces: Weak Jurisdictions National Borders

Essay Instructions:

Unit Description: In this unit, we have read a variety of essays that examine how space defines our world, and the impact that borders, both physical and abstract, have on our everyday experiences.

In your essay, you will make an argument about the ways that space and borders define the world – people, culture, identity, etc. You might think about physical or concrete borders, or perhaps you will use a more abstract example. You will want to think about the role of borders, what it means to cross or not cross them, and the impact they have. Thinking about our previous units, you might consider other ways that people have defined borders, either through culture, language, physical space, national identity, etc. As we’ve discussed, you might use a specific place or moment to think about the various borders that are created. Or, perhaps you’ll start with a specific border and move outward from there.

For this essay, you will need to cite two texts from our course reading that either support or refute your argument, and one of these should be a reading from this unit. Apart from these texts, you may also bring in your own experience or other examples and research.

Writing Goals

  • participate in the writing process (including drafts, in-class activities, peer response)
  • make a clear argument about the ways that space defines the world
  • have an identifiable thesis that clearly articulates your purpose
  • use multiple sources to persuade your audience
  • write for an academic audience
  • proofread your essay and use MLA formatting Requirements
  • Final draft must use MLA formatting, including: Header, 12 pt. Times New Roman, 1” margins, and double-spacing, page numbers, and a title. You must also include MLA in-text citations and a final works-cited page.
  • Initial draft: minimum 650 words and should identify your thesis, as well as the support and evidence you plan to incorporate.
  • Peer Response draft: should be about 675-700 words and will be uploaded to your group’s folder on Google Classroom by the end of class Tuesday 4/17.
  • Revised draft: must be at least 1000 words, meet the paper requirements, and show global revisions based on instructor & peer feedback.
  • Final draft: must be at least 1000 words, and meet the above assignment writing goals.
  • **All drafts should be submitted through the Google Classroom page using the correct assignment posting. We’ll review this in class. Please create new copies for each draft, rather than editing over each one. This will allow me to review each draft as part of the process portion of your grade
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Colliding Spaces Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Colliding Spaces Geographical locations play an important role in defining the human societies. Of the geographical features, borders emerge to be having the most significant impact; they do not only act as geography features but also as political features. Past studies have focused on the implications of borders along the economic implications. This paper addresses national borders with weak jurisdictions and their impacts on political, cultural and economic arenas. An answer to what determines or influences the human societies the most will never be provided, this is because various elements synthetically define and shape the daily activities of people in their societies. However, it is evident that geographical elements play a significant role in defining the human societies. Naturally, geographical conditions are responsible for the foundations of countries, therefore, the physical location of a country defines the lifestyle of its people and the neighbor countries set up the international relations. This implies that geographical features have significant impacts not only on countries but also to the people’s culture and history. Borders defines various aspects of people’s sense of self; for example, individuals depending on their places of birth, they will have different cultural identities, nationalities and institutional services. This is an indication that geographical conditions have defined a wide range of human aspects over time and the affected aspects influences human behaviors. Since geography and humans tend to influence each other, borders emerge to be worth explored since they are not only geographical elements but also political creatures. It has been considered that people have intentionally created borders to fit their political perspectives except in inevitable environmental features like rivers. Although people have consciously created borders to define administrative jurisdictions and have emerged to be important in the human race because of the physically divided space, they have also played a significant role in impacting the mental capabilities of people in defining the manner in which they think about their countries. National boundaries have created imagined communities that are limited and are sovereign with people being aware of their sovereignty. The sovereignty state of people has more political impacts on boundaries such as regional identity. Conversely, since borders have both geographical and political effects, they play a significant role in local and international politics. Although some scholars hold that the concept of borders is becoming obsolete since they no longer bar the movement of people, goods and ideas, other scholars have argued that borders are still important and have become more significant at this era of globalization. However, not all borders are important to shaping the human societies, some provide significant ramifications while others do not offer distinguishing effects. On a theoretical perspective, international boundaries have significant effects on cultural, economic and political implications than borders within a country. The fact that national borders provides partitioned jurisdictions to autonomous nations renders them the capabilities of having relatively large implications. On the other hand, borders within countries tend to be less influential due to their administrative functions. Nonetheless, they have bifurcated features d...
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