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Healthcare Committee Meeting Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Attend a committee meeting in your health care organization . If you are not currently employed in a health care setting, you may elect to attend a committee meeting at another company, a community center, a local school, local chamber of commerce or other professional organization.

Observe the interactions between committee members and the process used by the committee to arrive at decisions.

In 500 words, describe the function of the committee and the roles of those in attendance. Describe your observations of the interactions between members of the committee and determine whether the process used to arrive at decisions is a form of shared governance.

A minimum of two academic references from credible sources are required for this assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Healthcare Committee Meeting
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Healthcare Committee Meeting
At the meeting, the interaction of the committee members can be described as shared governance since each individual who wanted to contribute was given an opportunity to provide his ideas. Leaders who want to steer their organizations to success must be able to develop a culture where the ideas of every team member are heard and respected. Therefore, in a committee meeting, the leader must ensure that the contributions of every employee are listened to since they may act as the turning point for the organizations. According to Burkman, Seellers, and Batcheller (2012), over the past four decades, health care organizations have been influenced by economic pressures to look for financial advantages by ensuring that their employees are their main driving force. It is therefore essential to ensure that the way an organization reaches a decision is influenced by employees by presenting a chance to every individual to provide his contributions.
From the observations, it was evident that every committee member freely interacted with each other, and this can be proved by the way every individual was communicating with each other. Governance and leadership arrangements play a critical role in determining the way leaders manage their employees. In the committee meeting, it is evident that the leader was practicing shared governance since all workers were contributing to the motion of the meeting. Health care systems must be able to develop management systems that can enable workers to contribute to the development of the organization. According to Smitha, Anell and Busse et al. (2012), it is the responsibility of a leader to develop a state of stewardship in the institution to define th...
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