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Research Proposal – Thesis, Major Points, and Plan

Essay Instructions:
Research Proposal – Thesis, Major Points, and Plan Select a topic on which your persuasive writing paper will be focused. Write a one to two (1-2) page research proposal in which you: Identify the topic you selected and explain two (2) reasons for using it. Include a defensible, relevant thesis statement in the first paragraph. Describe three (3) major characteristics of your audience (official position, decision-making power, current view on topic, other important characteristic). Describe the paper's scope and outline the major sections. Identify and explain the questions to be answered. Explain your research plan, including the methods of researching and organizing research. Develop a coherently structured paper with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Document at least three (3) primary sources and three (3) secondary sources. Use credible, academic sources. Your assignment must follow these formatting guidelines: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Recognize the elements and correct use of a thesis statement. Write a research proposal that states the claim and scope of the research project. Outline the main sections of the research project. Devise an ordered research plan to obtain appropriate resources. Write clearly and concisely about selected topics using proper writing mechanics. Use technology and information resources to research selected issues for this course.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Many present health care organizations are being faced by many challenges in meeting the expectations and performance required. In order to meet these challenges, many healthcare organizations are now designing and implementing leadership development initiatives for sustained growth and success. Leadership is a process by which an individual controls others to accomplish the laid down objectives in an organization. A good leader directs the organization in a manner that makes it more coherent. This paper is going to address specific leadership traits and theories in healthcare organizations and how they correlate for the benefit of these organizations.
Specific leadership and management theories and traits in health care organizations
There are a number of management theories that have been suggested in healthcare sector that can improve its effective. Among them, three have been found to be the most effective. And these are transformational leadership theory, quantum leadership theory and dynamic leader follower theory. Healthcare organizations should examine their marketplace, and the orientation of their organizations. They then should come up with a set of competencies at each leadership level that are defined and included into the management structure. Personal capability that is technical knowledge and being innovative is also very necessary.
Transformational leadership theory
Many scholars support this theory because it combines the strength of both followers and leaders. This type of leadership encourages individuals to come up with their own leadership standards. In brings about changes in healthcare organizations by encouraging the healthcare providers to offer elevated feedback to each other. Due to the fact that this theory puts much emphasis on change, it gives the doctors and nurses the opportunity to assess new and old policies as well as procedures and take the right direction in implementing new programming (Drucker, 2010).
Quantum leadership theory
As one doctor Tom Porter-O’Grady puts it, quantum leadership theory assists medical practitioners in making better decisions. It also assists physicians in knowing the merits and demerits of different plans of care. The theory also urges the people in a health organization to be self-driven rather than waiting to be driven by others.
Dynamic leader-follower theory
This theory places emphasis on identifying the immediate health care requirements of a patient. Due to this, the physician has the ability to achieve certain objectives through interpersonal opinions. The medical practitioners are encouraged to make meaningful commitments. As far as this theory is concerned, both the leader and the follower are crucial to the effectiveness of the healthcare system. In many cases, it’s the duty of the physician to choose on which leadership theory to use.
The traits that are necessary for managing a multidisciplinary and multicultural healthcare organization to promote organizational effectiveness include: the leaders’ ability to adapt to any kind of situation, cooperation among the entire staff of the healthcare organization, the leader’s desire to give a positive influence to others, being ambitious as well as achievement oriented, the willingness of the leaders and all members of the staff...
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