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Written Reflection

Essay Instructions:
Hello there, You did for me papers about Hypertension/blood pressure. I created a web-page to transfer my argument to a medium. The purpose that I chose this medium is that people are using internet too much and its the fast way to deliver my message to the audience. My audiences are healthy people and sick people. The following are the required for this assignment: Answer the following questions thoroughly:( The three-page Written Reflection) - Why did you choose this format? What is the format doing for your argument that it wasn't doing in the Unit III essay? Explain in detail how this is a useful translation of your argument. - Has the audience changed? Either way, why is this significant? - Is this process useful? Why/why not? This is my web-page link: https://sites(dot)google(dot)com/site/hypertensionbloodpressure2/ The web-page has my essay that you wrote before in case you want to take a look at it.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Written Reflection
April 29, 2013
Written Reflection
Why did you use this format?
The Internet communication medium is a versatile platform which has garnered exponentially- escalating effect on the globe for about two decades; the technology embed in internet usage is good for cultivating creative and intelligent interactions. In order to voice my opinions and arguments across the globe, I chose the internet medium which can be accessed all the time across the globe; this way my arguments and the information I seek to convey to the potential audience is readily accessible. In that connection I designed a website and posted my opinions and arguments to allow the end users who need information in relation to hypertension to access it. Through the internet platform I have assured file safety; I can access my files even if my computer is stolen even if there was theft and I lost the original documents I will still access it online. Moreover, the information provided on the website can be backed up so that once the web site is in active I can still access the information.
Through the website designed, the ease of sharing information and file accessibility is heightened; in the traditional pen and paper method information is confined to a limited place. I believe the web based technology is very efficient in ensuring that information and facts concerning a given topic of study can be accessed by the end users. The information on the web can be accessed by click of a button ensuring that people are able to get all the vital information and material the need with ease and speed.
Has the audience changed? Either way, why is this significant?
The article that I posted on my web-site relates to both healthy and unhealthy end-users; it does not matter the condition an individual is dealing with as long as he can get information and be empowered with knowledge on what hypertension is, its causes and how he can deal with its ramifications. The key concept behind using the internet platform is to make sure that people are empowered with the right information and that they can make right decisions when dealing with the hypertension condition. Moreover, the information can be used as inference material for people who want to establish certain facts in relation to the hypertension condition or who want to understand the...
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