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Read Hamilton's information about the holiday and write an essay.

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Read Hamilton's information about the holiday and write an essay about him.

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Alexander Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton should have a national holiday because of the major contributions he has made to this country. A majority of people mistake him for one of the presidents of the United States of America. On the contrary, he was the first Secretary of the Treasury. His position won him the spot on the 10-dollar bill. Hamilton was a statesman that deserved to be a president. He was born on January 11, 1757. Originally, he was an immigrant from the Caribbean, St. Croix. He passed through a difficult life at an early age; he became an orphan at the age of 12 and was forced to survive on his own. From working as a clerk at a general store to earn a living, Hamilton became a statesman. He managed to become a professional in several areas of work. During his lifetime, he was a lawyer, military leader, economist, journalist, political scientist and a government official. He used the mentioned platforms to leave a legacy. In my opinion, Hamilton deserves a national holiday for the great things he did for this country. For instance, he was an influential interpreter as well as a promoter of the U.S Constitution (Chernow, 2016). In general, Hamilton is an example of an immigrant who did great for this country.
A famous quote by him, “he doesn’t get enough credit for all the credit he gave us.” According to the current situation, the quote bears some truth. We find that a majority people remember Washington, Franklin, and even Jefferson but do not know Hamilton. His major contributions to the country’s governance and economy are overwhelming. First, he was the one who created the American currency and established the first US bank. However, these were programs that the South seriously opposed. Following this, people should remember him for what he did. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't be having money the way we have it today. Other major contributions by Hamilton including fighting in the war besides George Washington. With his help, troops were bravely led to war. In letter he sent to his friend, “my folly makes me ashamed and beg you'll conceal it, yet Neddy we have such Schemes successful when the Projector is constant I shall conclude saying I wish there was a war,” he wanted to prove his desire to fight in the war (Leighton, 2015). From a different angle, we could say that his desire to fight in the war was inspired by the fact that he was an orphan.
Hamilton’s life developed gradually towards greatness. In his youthful ages, he married a lady from a wealthy family by the name Elizabeth Schuyler. This is a move that led him towards becoming successful. After his marriage, he worked hard in school and soon become a lawyer after going to Congress for a year. His knowledge of law and interpretation guided him through writing a constitutional draft that led to a major Constitutional Convention. With the same spirit, he wrote lots of essays called the Federalist Papers with the help of John Jay and James Madison. His actions and doings were based on the fact that he was a supporter of the U.S Constitution. Additionally, Alexander Hamilton was a Chr...
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