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Describe a place that has had a profound influence on you

Essay Instructions:
describe a place or person that has had a profound influece on you. the effect that this person or place had on you can be either positive or negative; however it must have influence you in some significant way. some things you will need to consider: what are the phusical characteristics of this person or place? what is/was your relationship to this person or place? how do others view this person or place what is the significance of your association with this persoan or place what did you find out about yourself, others and life from your encounter with this person or place what dominant impressions do you want the reader to be left with after reading the paper
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Parents are defined in many ways. Mostly they are defined as a father and a mother. I, however, prefer the definition that a parent is an origin from which my cousins and I came from. A source for they were the first people our eyes had laid upon. They are a cause, for they give the emotional and financial support that causes us to move forward everyday to something new. Maybe the reason I have admired my aunt and uncle is because they have the same ideologies on parenting that my parents do. The additional support that I get from them has helped me understand myself better.
My aunt and uncle, my aunt being my mother`s sister, are neither movie stars, nor political movers and shakers of the country. They do not even head a charity organization. There is nothing special about them whatsoever. Yet, I cannot live without them; I would not be me without their encouragement to soar or fall but at least try to get what I want.
If one looked at them, their physical appearance would seem typical. My uncle would be given the description tall, around six feet and dark, which darkened even more from the sun. He is also handsome, though the looks had faded round the edges due to age, but I have seen his younger days in pictures and he definitely had the looks which took a significant role in sweeping my aunt "off her feet" as she says. Speaking of my aunt, she is the exact opposite of my uncle. She is tiny compared to him, around five feet two inches. Her complexion is more towards caramel and she was a bit of a tomboy when she was younger, but she had definitely grown out of it by the time she got married. Her high cheekbones and almond eyes and sparkly smile are magical when she is in a happy mood.
If that same person would strike up a conversation with them, they would not know what hit them. Their ordinariness would disappear into thin air. Their personality is what makes them into such extraordinary people in my life. One time I was visiting their home in Houston, Texas; my uncle had asked my cousin that what he was going to do with his life after graduating from university. The question was asked during dinner, which is sacred in their household. My cousin had already told them that he was working in a company as a marketing associate, but he gave further details ...
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