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BHE314 Module4 SLP

Essay Instructions:
Sewage and urban runoff can reach the coastline in crowded urban areas. To protect the health of swimmers from fecal contamination at beaches, public health officials routinely monitor the coastal waters for indicator organisms bacteria, such as fecal Coliform and Enterococcus. These organisms are naturally found in the intestines of warm blooded organisms, and so when they are detected in beach water it means that there is probably fecal contamination. While the indicators used to monitor beaches are bacteria, the actual disease causing organisms (called "pathogens") are often viruses or even parasites. In this assignment, you are an environmental health inspector charged with the responsibility to sample beach water, after a storm, to inform the public, and particularly surfers. You also Also, you will need to make decisions about whether to close the beach or not. Write a 2-3 page paper in which you do the following: 1. Describe the types of illnesses that can be caused by contaminated recreational beach waters. 2. Identify the challenges in monitoring and managing beach waters to protect the public, and particularly surfers, in a timely manner (hint: discuss the timeliness of water test results). 3. Describe the types of warning information that you would make available to the public regarding the safety of swimming at the beach. Base your answer on the general practices of public health departments. Seperate each question as question1, 2, and 3
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Contamination of Recreational Beach Waters in Urban Areas Presented By Name Presented To Lecturer Institution Topic/Subject Date Abstract In crowded urban areas contamination of recreational beach waters is quite evident. This is mainly through improper disposal of waste, and in particular sewage and urban runoff. This is brought by lack of enough toilets and or latrines and other waste disposal facilities. There are various types of illnesses that are caused by use of such contaminated water. To protect the health of swimmers from fecal contamination at beaches, public health officials routinely monitor beach waters for indicator disease causing organisms referred. However, there are challenges faced with managing and monitoring of recreational beach waters. But such challenges can be overcome by providing some warning information to the users of beach waters. QUESTION 1 According to Fleisher et al (1996), types of illnesses that can be caused by contaminated recreational beach waters include: Acute febrile respiratory illness, Ear, Eye and Skin ailments. Swimming in bacterial contaminated waters could result in gastro-intestinal symptoms, eye infections, skin complaints, ear, nose and throat infections and respiratory illness. Further, symptoms and signs associated with acute febrile respiratory illness are fever, headache, various body aches, fatigue, anorexia, sore throat, having a runny nose and a dry cough. With ear ailment, there is pain of the ear and which may be accompanied by discharge from the ear. If one is suffering from the eye ailment, there is reported swelling of the eye, redness of the eyes and or accompanied with discharge. Symptoms and signs of skin ailment are such as skin rash, skin ulcers and swellings. QUESTION 2 According to Walker (1994), poverty, high density populations, environmental devastation, and civil unrest are the main conditions that challenge monitoring and managing beach waters. Poverty is seen as a challenge when it comes to funding for such water tests to be carried out. This is mostly in the developing countries where the major inhibiting factor is money required to carry out such tests, manage and monitor the waters. Overcrowding associat...
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