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Professional Integration

Essay Instructions:
1. Identify one hospital or health care organization that has experienced success from professional integration. 2. Explain what type of integration was implemented and what kind of changes was made in the integration process.
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(28 February 2011)
Professional Integration
Hospital Sisters Health System (HSHS) is a multi-institutional health care system who sponsors 13 local system hospitals in twelve cross Illinois along with Wisconsin, and involves an integrated physician network. The integration mission of the health system means that it brings together all threads from which the mission of the organization as well as the system’s legacy is woven. The HSHS’s approach is to ensure that all components of current fragmented health care deliverance systems together, to ensure that patients are provided with superior value, along with the efficiency promotion.
The care integration initiative employed by HSHS forms the blueprint of the organization for attaining its vision. It concentrates on the breakdown of barriers for the aim of ensuring that all main players in the equation of healthcare can seemingly work together in harmony for the benefit of all. It also concentrates on the provision of care for the whole persons, from quality preventive care, to quality treatment follow up care, other than just treating diseases. The HSHS knows that, the consumers of the current health care have higher chances of receiving care outside the traditional hospital setting, and uses care integration to ensure care continuity at every access point of health care system, (Mannix, 2009)
Reduction in the fragmentation, results to closer, more personal relationships between care providers and their patients. The provision of care from the patient point of view, may also mean, the concentration on practical ways that ensures easier access of health care for patients, like on line scheduling of appointments. On top of all these, the new technology will provide patients “with single point of access to information and services throughout HSHS” (Mannix, 2009).
As being part of care integration initiative, HSHS is building partnership with several providers. Its strategy is the unification of main elements of the delivery of health care in Wisconsin and Illinois communities by the use of both technology as well as the relations that links prov...
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