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Policy on returns and adjustments

Essay Instructions:
The Background Information is presented in an order that follows when you should need that information in building CASE3. It also assumes that you have reviewed HOME3 and CASE3. Anderson, Kristin & Kerr, Carol (2002). Customer Relationship Management. Chapter 3: Managing Your Customer Service/ Sales Profile Chapter 4. Choosing Your CRM Strategy Greenman, Catherine (1999, November, 18). So Easy to Buy, Such a Struggle to Return. New York Times (Late Edition (East Coast)). New York, N.Y. pg. G.20 Available in ProQuest on July 26, 2007. Assignment: Read the article "Easy to buy, Struggle to return." Answer this question: For the company you are auditing: What is the company's policy's on returns and adjustments? Military and corporate recruitment are acceptable as topics. In this case, the "adjustment" might be something like, "X joined a company and realized he wanted to work in a different department." Or, "She joined the military and did not get the assignment promised by the recruiter." In the military, the "customer" may not have the option to leave (or "exit") from the relationship. So be sure to discuss what customer relationships means in this context. If you can't do this, you may have too get very creative or find another topic. Note that companies may need to make adjustments not just for problems but also for customer exceptions. For example, suppose a customer changes his or her mind or has a special need. ==> Demonstrate understanding of CRM ==>Analyze: don't just cite the company's policies ==>Avoid repeating definitions ==>Evidence of use of required references and background materials (necessary for a grade of "B" or higher) ==>Use of APA formatting Guidelines here. ==>Length of 600-800 words (pages not as important as words) ==>Few quotes and absolutely no copying or close paraphrasing from any source without appropriate citation ==>No definitions and no summaries from the text ==>No general statements with "all," "none," "must," "should," "mandatory," and similar terms Module 3 - Background Module Three Birud Sindhav, Jonna Holland, Amy Risch Rodie, Phani Tej Adidam, Louis G Pol. 2006. The Impact of Perceived Fairness on Satisfaction: Are Airpor Security Measures Fair? Does it Matter? Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice. Vol. 14, Iss. 4; pg. 323. http://proquest(dot)umi(dot)com/pqdweb?did=1161380301&sid=7& Fmt=4&clientId=29440&RQT=309&VName=PQD Dang, Dan Thanh, 2007. Tenacity more help than warranty. The Baltimore Sun Tribune Business News. Washington DC. http://proquest(dot)umi(dot)com/pqdweb?did=1375530491&sid=8& Fmt=3&clientId=29440&RQT=309&VName=PQD Pazzanese, Christina. 2007. To get a train-delay refund, you must click the link. Christina Pazzanese. Boston Globe. Boston, Mass.: Oct 21, 2007. http://proquest(dot)umi(dot)com/pqdweb?did=1375530491&sid=8& Fmt=3&clientId=29440&RQT=309&VName=PQD Seiders, Kathleen, & Berry, Leonard L. 1998. Service fairness: What it is and why it matters The Academy of Management Executive. Briarcliff Manor: May 1998. Vol. 12, Iss. 2; pg. 8, 13 pgs http://proquest(dot)umi(dot)com/pqdweb?did=29808993&sid=10& Fmt=4&clientId=29440&RQT=309&VName=PQD
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Running Head: Policy on returns and adjustments
Policy on returns and adjustments.
United Airlines is one of the largest airlines based in the United States and employs thousands of employees with ownership of over 300 aircrafts. Like any other company, the airline has policies drafted to enhance interaction and relationship between the company and its customers.
The goal of a customer relationship strategy in any company is to attract customers and maintain their loyalty to their goods and services. through such strategies, the company is able to reduce the inputs on marketing since their clients are intact.
The policy of United Airlines on returns and adjustments applies to ticket refunds and changes to flight reservation.
Ticket refunds policy.
Refundable tickets are eligible for a full refund anytime. If a customer buys a refundable ticket he/she is eligible for refund as he/she wishes. This policy encourages customers to buy their tickets early since they are assured of a refund incase they change their plans. Tickets purchased in less than 24 hours are also considered for a full refund as long as the request is made in time.
Non-refundable tickets can also be considered for refunds only in such situations as a flight cancellation or changes in scheduling by the company. In this case the customer will be refunded fully if adequate information is provided on how the changes are going to affect them. With such a policy, customers will not feel oppressed by a situation in which they are not involved.
Policy on Adjustments
United Airline gives a chance to its customers to make changes in their reservation and be able to travel when it suits them. With the existing CRM, the customer can adjust their flight details online and be able to make adjustments to their reservations. This makes the airline quite flexible and hence maintaining a good relation with their customers.
The policy on changes made to nonrefundable tickets for travel within the U.S. and Canada will attract a $150 service fee but international rates vary.
Flight changes and obtaining an alternate seat in a different flight attracts a charge of $50 and $75 respectively. Availability of such a policy measure enables customers who are not comfortable to change their flights and even seats therefore ensuring customer satisfaction. Such changes are only applicable to flights within the U.S.
A good system of customer relationship management will ensure that a customer’s experience during the period of service delivery is one that can be remembered afterwards. A positive experience by customers often results to increased and continuous use of the service (Thompson and Kolsky 2004). When the company serves their customers well and provides them wit...
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