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Should US Government Insure Health Care For All Its Citizen?

Essay Instructions:

1) Create a Thread to enter your initial post on the topic researched.
Your post should include a list of (use separate paragraphs or bullet points):
a) a minimum of two pros, or good points about the topic,
b) a minimum of two cons, or bad points about the topic, and
c) your opinion on the topic, stating the reasons you consider the topic a good or bad idea.
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Should the U.S Government Insure Health Care (Obamacare) For All Its Citizen?
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Should the U.S Government Insure Health Care (Obamacare) For All Its Citizen?
On November 15, 2014, the health care reform got back into its duration of open enrollment (Tate, 2012). This period is the yearly three-month window for citizens to change the policy or insurer and registering for the first time. Today, all the key provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) well known as Obamacare have come into full force. The main aim of ObamaCare is to bring health care reforms by ensuring millions of Americans access affordable medical care easily. This paper looks at whether the U.S government should insure health care (Obamacare) for all citizens by exploring at the pros and cons of the same.
The U.S government should insure healthcare for its citizens because it abolishes lifetime and yearly coverage limits. According to Roberts (2013), ACA ensures that kids can remain on the health insurance plan of their parents/guardians up to 26 years. He further states that, as of 2012, over 3 million formerly uninsured young persons were included. As a result, insurance companies increased their profits as they got more premiums from the healthy young people. Moreover, insurance firms can no longer reject citizens for pre-existing conditions. Thus, they cannot drop them or increase premiums if they fall sick.
Roberts (2013) asserts that by 2022, the Obamacare will reduce the budget deficit by 143 billion U.S Dollars. This is possible in three ways. (1) It drops the state medical care expense. (2) It increases the taxes on various companies as well as increase revenue for families. (3) It transfers cost drains to pharmacy businesses and health care providers.
Finally, the CA reduces total medical care expenses by offering insurance for millions as well as creating preventive care free. Therefore, American citizens get medication before they require costly emergency room services. Unlike in 2004 where the expenses for medical care services rose by 4%, in 2016 it was lower with an upsurge of 1.2percent (Roberts, 2013).
As a result of ACA, 3-5 million citizens lost their employer-sponsored medical care coverage (Tate, 2012). Most companies opted to pay the penalty as a way of cost-effective management and allowed their employees buy insurance policies on the exchanges. On the other hand, small firms choose better plans from the government-run exchanges.
In a short period, overall medical costs increased due to augmented coverage. The reason for this increase was due to citizens accessing preventive care and diagnosis for the first time. Diagnosing and treating illness, long forgotten was quite expensive.
According to Tate (2012), by 2020, insurance firms will evaluate a 40% excise duty on expensive health plans. He further states that such plans are ch...
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