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ENG 105 Rhetorical Analysis: The Louisiana Purchase Treaty

Essay Instructions:

ENG 105- Rhetorical Analysis

Choose from one of the following topics:

• Write a rhetorical analysis of an argument of your choice. Choose an article that presents one of the issues and tries to persuade the audience. In your analysis, specifically pay attention to how the author is trying to influence you through logic (logos), credibility (ethos) or emotions (pathos). Explore at least three different emotions that play an important role in this argument. (Johnson-Sheehan & Paine 158)

• Analyze the text one of the top 100 speeches (all except Martin Luther King Jr.'s “I have a Dream” speech) from the website: http://www(dot)americanrhetoric(dot)com/top100speechesall.html

Review the speech. Print a copy of the text and write your analysis based on the rhetorical devices used to sway the audience.

• Analyze a historical document. Similar to the speech, you have the choice to take historical document that you find interesting. Analyze the text and make sure to provide some historical background/ context for the text. For the analysis, you will need to explain why it is or is not effective. Refer to p. 160 #1 for a detailed description of the topic.

Due Dates: Pre-write September 28, 2017 during class First Draft October 3, 2017 (Late assignments will result in a 10% reduction before 5pm and a letter grade for each additional day.) Final Draft, October 10, 2016 (Include all drafts.)

Your Readers: Your audience will be readers who are unfamiliar with the text/speech/ document being analyzed. Use the worksheet under the link rhetorical analysis to develop your interpretive guide to frame your analysis. https://tutorial(dot)dasa(dot)ncsu(dot)edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/29/2015/06/RhetoricalAnalysis.pdf

Assignment Requirements: Your essay should be at least 1000 words in length. Please mark the work content at the end of the essay. Your essay should…

• Provide a clear introduction

• Include the thesis in the introduction

• Introduce the text/event/ advertisement and its source

• Cite any outside sources using MLA format by including in-text citations and a works cited list

• Conclude the essay by restating the main idea, key points, and provide one final point

Keep track of the word count when typing the document. Revise your essay by making sure that you provide a variety of sentence structure, proper use of punctuation, and a clear and logical flow of ideas.

Format: Make sure to include a heading, title, and paragraph indentation. The text should be double-spaced. List the word count on the bottom the page. The font size should be 12 pt. and the style Times New Roman. There will be clear transitions to mark each new paragraph. Include parenthetical documentation when incorporating citations. Each draft of the essay needs to be turned in during class with the previous draft attached in the order of the first draft on top with the most current draft on the bottom.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Louisiana Purchase Treaty
The Louisiana Purchase Treaty
There are many historical documents in the National Archives, but only a handful are as important to the American history as the Louisiana Purchase Treaty. This treaty details what some people would call the greatest and sweetest real-estate deal in history. Before this treaty was signed, the US was a young country and historians estimate its size to have been almost a third its current size. However, President Thomas Jefferson, through his emissaries Robert Livingston the then US minister to France and James Monroe signed a deal with France to acquire Louisiana which more than doubled the size of America. After the deal was signed, Napoleon is recorded in history as having said: “This accession of territory affirms forever the power of the United States, and I have given England a maritime rival who sooner or later will humble her pride.” True to his words, the US did manage to become the greatest country on earth and surpass England as the world’s superpower. While it can be seen as just a simple acquisition, the Louisiana Purchase Treaty was a statement of intent, and soon the world came to appreciate Napoleon’s words. Few Americans understand the true essence of this treaty, but this article will shed light on the significance of this piece of history while also detailing its importance to the lives of Americans today.
Background Information
In the 17th and 18th centuries, France was among the most powerful nations in the world. Their exploration activities soon took them to the great Mississippi River where they established permanent settlements. France wanted to grow and extend its dominance, and therefore, it acquired and controlled a great portion of present-day US. However, war was common back then, and France soon found itself in the middle of one. The French-Indian War lasted for almost seven years and significantly affected France’s dominance and power. Significant financial issues soon rocked France, and its expansion ambitions were cut short. During this time, Britain was also developing and gradually, France lost its footing. As it was ceding its territories, France relinquished Louisiana to Spain in 1763, but Spain’s lack of development initiative doomed the land to poverty.
Spain was not as strong as France or Britain, and hence its dominance was dormant and short-lived. The US and Spain soon got involved in a tussle because of access to the Mississippi. The Americans wanted access to the river mainly to ferry goods, but Spain was thwarting its efforts. However, in 1795, Spain agreed to give the Americans the right to use the port of New Orleans to ferry their products. While this was happening, France was rebuilding under Napoleon Bonaparte, and soon they regained Louisiana from Spain. The US knew their survival hinged on the control of New Orleans and therefore, President Jefferson, through Robert Livingston, began talks with France over the sale of New Orleans. When Spain learned of the above talks, it revoked the US’s right to store and access goods in New Orleans, but this did not break the spirit of the Americans who continued in their negotiations with France.
Fate was on the side of th...
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