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Geography and the Housing Act of 1949

Essay Instructions:

Essay Questions – chose 1 question from each of the following groups, for a total of 3

questions. You may ONLY choose one question per group. You may NOT answer

additional questions for extra points. Word limit: 350-600 words per question.

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Urban Planning
[date]Group 1: Question 1
Housing Act of 1949 mandated the government to provide public housing that would benefit those in the slum and with miserable condition areas. The act also allowed loans that were for the urban development of some areas in a city (Von Hoffman, 2000). Aside from redevelopment, it also legalized and ensured the building of public residential structures that were cheap in rentals and maintenance fees (Von Hoffman, 2000). However, to build housing rentals, slum areas had to be demolished. Construction and incomes were also at a ceiling price to regulate the lower expenses (Von Hoffman, 2000). From these provisions, the act aimed to lighten the housing responsibility of people. After the great depression, people had to suffer economically. They struggle to lift their living conditions to a more decent one. The Housing Act of 1949 was supposed to contribute to making people and America economically capable again. The provision should be able to regain people's dignity by being able to own a decent home despite the financial instability.
The problem came when the aims of the provision and the realities came together during the implementation (Von Hoffman, 2000). The economic status of America could not financially support the act because of other national expenses like wars and politics. The country had to split its finances between housing support and war costs. Also, it turned out that the redevelopment and construction were impossible because of poor conditions in slum areas (Von Hoffman, 2000). Instead of lifting people from economic downfall, the act made discriminating division among people. Housing only became available to the privileged and the mostly white people. While the others, the black, and the poor people, still struggled to find themselves a decent home that the provision promised.
Group 2: Question 3
The transportation planning process is a collaboration between "engineering, economics, and urban planning, all facilitated by modern computing equipment" (Levy, 2016). It works on establishing transportation means based on land availability, convenience, and affordability (Levy, 2016). The process requires calculations and estimations of lands and costs to match how much the transportation system would consume. The planning process has four steps in determining the model of the transportation system.
The first step is estimating trip generation, in which the times of travel are estimated from one point to another (Levy, 2016). It considers individual and family demographics in a certain area. The step identifies how a t...
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