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Questions on Chinese Literature and History Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

Here are 5 separate questions that need to be answered. The questions are in the file questions, and the related pictures and files are also attached.


Week 7: Go to: https://threekingdoms.com/ (Links to an external site.)   Pick any three chapters and give a summary of the events. Week 8: Go to: https://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/ming/hd_ming.htm (Links to an external site.) Pick any three artworks and discuss your reasons for writing about them. Week 9: Either search for images of the Opium War or look at the images in Week 9 of the files section.   Why was smoking opium bad and from the mages why do think the government took steps to stop the habit? Week 10: Either search for information on Dr. Sun Yat-Sen or read the file in Week 10 of the files section.   Why were his views seen as radical? Week 11: Either search for or look at the maps in Week 11 of the files section.   How do the maps show the unity, preserving, nature, and community of Mao's followers?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Questions on Chinese Literature and History
[date] Week 7 - Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Chapter 5
In chapter five, Cao Cao forms a coalition group to go against Dong Zhuo. Lead by Yuan Shao, a group of eighteen lords comes together, as well as Zhang Fei, Xuande, and Lord Guan. Sun Jian engages in a negotiation to get a pass from Dong Zhuo, but Yuan Shu is skeptical of the group. Instead of letting him pass, Dong Zhuo sent Sun Jian away without the necessary resources. Lord Guan retaliates to the treatment and ends up killing one of Dong Zhuo's general.
Chapter 6
Dong Zhuo becomes the grueling ruler despite his portrayal of himself as the righteous one. He then leaves and abandons his capital. Cao Cao, on the other hand, endures the destructive ambush of the chase. Sun Jian, who Yuan Shu suspects and doubts, goes back home, leaving the rebellion. His action is due to the seal that marks imperial legitimacy, which Dong Zhuo dropped as he escaped. Sun Jian's sudden change of heart leaves the group unmotivated, resulting in their disband.
Chapter 7
There is no centralized power now. As for Sun Jian, who left his group, he goes back home to Southlands. He developed a dispute with Liu Biao, who rejects and ignores Sun Jian. Shao and Shu, the Yuan brothers, engages in double-dealing and become too interested in it. Yuan Shao threatens Xuande of a province in which the former is interested. Shao seals a deal to have the province surrender to him not to find trouble with Gongsun Zan. The news reaches and angers Gongsun Zan that it leads him to declare a war between him and Shao. Xuande and Zhao Zilong saves Gongsun Zan in the battle. Sun Jian attacks Liu Biao as per Yuan Shu's order out of anger against Shao and Liu Biao. SunJian eventually dies in an ambush despite his successes.
Week 8 - Ming Dynasty Artworks
The artworks that I have chosen to write about are the Traveling Box, the Elegant Gathering in the Apricot Garden, and the Medallion with Return from a Spring Outing. These artworks belong to the Ming Dynasty around 1368 to 1644.
The Travel Box is a familiar design we see of Chinese furniture or any casing. From its looks, the box is sturdy enough to carry things securely while traveling. It was important that things are enclosed safely, especially when traveling or being transported by a cartel.
On the other hand, Elegant Gathering in the Apricot Garden shows the intricate detail artists had during their time. Despite the lack of advanced materials, they could draw with so many details and identification. They also draw on wide papers, which implies their patience and dedication to painting.
Medallion with Return from a Spring Outing also shows the complexity of Chinese artifacts. Looking closely, the wood crafted medallion has tiny details that are probably carved by expert hands. It takes so much control and patience in carving such details, especially on wood. One wrong mo...
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