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Futility of Life, Inevitability of Death, and Suffering as Part of Life

Essay Instructions:

I will upload three books in PDF format. Please read it as more as possible. This is my final, thanks, very important.
Use at least two direct quotes from each author. No other resources required.
3 books must be used one is: Essays and Aphorisms By Arthur Schopenhauer and the remaining 2 books are attached.

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Letter to Society
Letter to Society
Dear Society,
There are many problems that face the world today. Evidently, in most cases, society tries to evade some of these problems or bury them. However, this letter is about the problems that the citizens of the society must learn face. These are the problems that citizens should stop evading and embrace them because they are part and parcel of life. In this way, there are three main problems that as a society citizens have to face according to the writings of Schopenhauer, Camus, and Cioran. These problems are the futility of life, inevitability of death, and suffering as part of life.
One problem that citizens of society should face is the futility of life. According to Arthur Schopenhauer’s Essays and Aphorisms in the part titled “On the Vanity of Existence,” he says that life is futile. According to Schopenhauer, human happiness is just an illusion and life is a worthless existence. He says that life has reduced humans into desiring machines like addicts who keep searching and acquiring to get another fix, only to endeavor for another. This forces people to be stuck in an endless cycle of seeking and fulfilling their selfish needs and wants. He writes, “In continual becoming without being; in continual desire without satisfaction; in the continual frustration of striving of which life consists” (Schopenhauer, 1970, p. 779). In this way, human being strives endlessly such that when one does not have anything he or she strives to have something. However, even after getting something, one strives to get more. This cycle creates a situation where true happiness is never achieved and in so doing life becomes futile. In this way, society should face the reality that life will never be satisfactory because fulfilling one need leads to another need or want. For example, when one is financially stable, he or she could be striving to ensure one gets good health, and this is the futility of life. In the same way, Albert Camus explains the futility of life in his novel The Stranger. In the novel, Meursault comes to the realization that life has pointless purpose or meaning. After Meursault kills an “Arab,” he is sentenced to death and while in prison he has thoughts of a successful escape or achieving a fruitful appeal process. However, after meeting with the prison Chaplin he comes to the realization that life has no real meaning. He proclaims, “What difference could they make to me, the deaths of others, or a mother’s love, or his God; or the way a man decides to live, the fate he thinks he chooses, since one and the same fate was bound to “choose” not only me but thousands of millions of privileged people who, like him, called themselves my brothers” (Camus, 1942, p. 64). In this quote, Meursault claims that the fate of men is the same and whatever decisions they make fate would still determine their life. For example, every person is bound to die whether at a young age or in old age. This means that life is really futile because despite what road a person chooses to follow, fate would be the determining factor in deciding when one would be alive or dead. Since all humans will eventually meet their death, it means that all lives are equally without a purpose or are meaningless. After this realization, Meursault was no longer interested in escaping or appealing but was ready to live his life in full knowing he will die someday no matter what.
Another problem that the citizens of the society must face is the inevitability of death and not fearing death. In the novel On the Heights of Despair Emil Cioran argues that people should learn to accept death as a natural part of life and live without fearing death. He says, “Why don't we want to accept that one can entertain lively meditations on death, the most dangerous issue existing” (Cioran, 1992, p. 40)? In general, many people in the society are afraid of death but Cioran claims that death is not different from life because death cannot exist without life. He says that there is no human being who can escape from death and so there is no need to be afraid of it. Cioran argues that people who think life and death are separate are the ones who the mere thought of death causes a lot of fear in their lives. They live in fear of when they may have to die and they have no joy in life (Cioran, 1992). In society, many people are afraid of death especially with modern lifestyle where diseases and circumstances make death all so common. For example, the mention of cancer makes many people tremble at the thought of how it is killing many people. However, citizens in the society should live enjoying each moment because where there is life, death is inevitable and...
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