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Future State Of Hospitality Broad Industry

Essay Instructions:

 4-12 Thanksgiving week Thursday class will describe final paper -  Describe the future state of hospitality – hiring, training, kitchen and service. 8 page paper – 4 sources due in class 4.

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FUTURE STATE OF HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY Name Institution Introduction Hospitality refers to the act of delivering or offering consistent quality service to others and in this case, for a profitable value. The value attained in profits matches the distinct services performed at a particular level categorized in the industry. Hospitality is a broad industry covering various sectors providing unique services at equally different charges based on quality and or duration. Any organization within the industry seeking to maintain its position or market share in the future has to make specific if not comprehensive changes to its normal way of doing things. However, a comprehensive organizational change influenced by the emerging trends in the sector would create a competitive edge over the other companies. Current trends foresee a highly intensive industry in regards to competition and thus requiring the restructuring of key areas such as the kitchen, service delivery, training and hiring of staff. The hospitality industry is part of the much broader group of organizations under the umbrella of the travel and tourism industry. The travel and tourism industry is composed of different goods and services outlets catering to the needs of travellers around the world. Organizations from the foods and beverage sector, retail outlets dealing with artefacts, transportation services, and tourist lodgings form part of the range of service companies under the travel and tourism industry. The hospitality industry, on the other hand, encompasses the outlined tourism lodgings and the food and beverages sector serving the particular lodging, as well as the catering companies. Thus, the four aspects whose state in future form part of the paper’s discussion fall right under the travel and tourism industry but at a more specific level, hospitality. It is important to have enough understanding of the scope required in delivering the description of the future state of the highlighted areas within the hospitality industry. An outstanding characteristic identified with the hospitality industry is its alignment towards customer satisfaction while observing the highest standards of service delivery. Maintaining a high-level standard of service delivery and customer satisfaction is a difficult task for organizations within the industry. It is a continuous process and hence strenuous to the entire staff as sticking to the set standards determine the firm’s position in the competitive industry. The most significant feature that determines the growth and development of a firm running a single unit or a chain of lodgings is customer satisfaction. Creating a clientele based on customer satisfaction requires an organized workforce, constant training on the emerging trends and their demands, and most importantly excellent service delivery to the clients. The kitchen also plays an important role in achieving the recognition of being an excellent service center in the hospitality industry. It is important to note that people are getting more conscious of what they are eating based on nutritious factors and the cooking method used to prepare the dish. The kitchen designs are thus shifting to accommodate this aspect going into the future. Hiring In as much as having a wider customer base is important for the hospitality industry, it is the employees that offer services to the customers. It is without a doubt that they are the integral part of the industry whose work should be held at high esteem if the industry is to continue enjoying the excellent rate of growth and development since the great recession. However, this has not been the case for the industry’s hiring managers, and recruitment officers as cases of underpayment and heavy workloads keep on occurring around the world. Consequently, the employee turnover rate in the industry is increasing at an alarming rate as more workers leave their jobs for better-paying ones. Another reason for the increased employee turnover is the short terms of employment based on the seasonal influx or lack of customers CITATION Kap12 \l 1033 (Kapiki, 2012). The hiring agencies for the hospitality industry also shy away from getting candidates that best qualified for particular responsibilities thus jeopardizing the firm’s endeavor to achieve its missions and goals. The industry faces these challenges concerning its employees and should, therefore, consider its entire approach when dealing with employment matters. The future hospitality industry demands a complete overhaul of the entire hiring process and the designing of a new employment program based on the industry’s growth and development demands. Achieving the growth forecasts for any executive within the industry requires making a considerable investment in the staff or employees dealing directly with the customers. The industry should adopt a new philosophy that forms a direct correlation between the employees and customer satisfaction. A satisfied customer is a reflection of a motivated employee. One of the factors to consider going into the future concerning the hiring process is giving clear job descriptions when uploading or posting vacancies. Clear job descriptions allow the industry players to stop hiring people for just a need basis and instead of hiring them for the talent they possess. The alarming talent shortfall projected to cost the world’s economy approximately $610 billion can be prevented through reviewing vacancy posts CITATION Kap12 \l 1033 (Kapiki, 2012). Moreover, customer satisfaction levels would go high due to the professional services offered by qualified personnel within a given lodging or a beverage company. A satisfied employee is the one who enjoys good remuneration package with good motivational aspects in the offing and an opportunity for upward mobility regarding career development. Contract-based employees employed on the need basis lead to the delivery of unprofessional work as they are not qualified for the work. A vibrant labor force of young individuals provides a consistency in the industry’s achievement of its projected growth forecasts. Employing such qualified individuals provide an opportunity for the individuals to grow with the company’s vision as they get opportunities to advance to top positions based on experience. The hiring process will also include the assessment of an individual’s ability to operate slightly sophisticated systems as the industry gets technical. However, it is essential to take note of the fact that the advancing technology also reduces the number of functions within the industry previously handled by human beings. Thus, hiring is expected to significantly drop due to automation of tasks such as access to various services such as gaining entrance to exclusive places within a hotel CITATION Kap12 \l 1033 (Kapiki, 2012). The advance in technology will also have some of the industry players purchasing robots that are programmed to carry out some of the tasks that the employees would undertake and hence reducing the rate of employment in the sector. The sophistication of the consumer demands will also affect the hiring policies of the industry as it will be forced ...
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