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Formative Assessment Techniques, Formative Assessment, and Linking Questions to Objectives

Essay Instructions:

Please write 3 discussion for each thread , each discussion ( thread ) on each page, please see the attached document and chapters 4 and 5


There will be 3 threads in this discussion:

Thread 1: Formative Assessment Techniques

• Do a quick internet search on formative assessment ideas or techniques. Describe 1 such technique that is new to you, the contexts in which you think it would work well, and why.

• Try to choose 1 that no one else has posted—it pays to do this task first!

This is 1 of my favorite discussions of the semester because I always learn new techniques to add to my "teacher toolbox."

Thread 2: Formative Assessment

Reflect on the chapter, readings, videos and PowerPoint for this week.

• What did you learn about formative assessment? Why is formative assessment important? Have any of your views on formative assessment changed based on these resources? Explain.

• Give some specific examples from the videos you watched of the ways in which teachers were using formative assessment—what was the purpose? What was the strategy? What did the teachers do with the information they gathered?

Thread 3: Linking Questions to Objectives

Imagine you are teaching a lesson in your desired subject area and grade level. For the lesson:

1. Identify an appropriate standard.

2. Write 2 learning objectives for students to meet in your lesson.

3. For each objective, write at least 2 questions you could ask students during class to help them meet your standards and objectives. You can add additional questions to make the questions higher level (see my example below).

When you give feedback to others, please also add 1 more question that can add to your colleague's question arsenal based on the standards and objectives they have provided.

My example:


NY-3 MD: Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of intervals of time, liquid volumes, and masses of objects.

1. Tell and write time to the nearest minute and measure time intervals in minutes. Solve 1-step word problems involving addition and subtraction of time intervals in minutes.


1. SWBAT tell time on an analog clock to the nearest minute.

2. SWBAT solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of time intervals in minutes.


Objective 1:

• What time does this clock say? Explain your answer. (I would be holding up a model clock.)

• Is the time shown on the clock closer to 8:15 or 3:40? How do you know?

Objective 2:

• If it is 9:39 now, what time will it be in 6 minutes?

• Ana arrived at school at 8:14 AM. It takes her 8 minutes to walk to school. At what time did she leave her house?


• Course concepts, theories, or materials correctly included.

• Examples or supporting evidence from course readings and lectures.

• Application of relevant professional, personal, or other real-world experiences to extend the dialogue.

• Support and valid position with applicable knowledge from course readings and other sources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Formative Assessment
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Formative Assessment
Thread 1: Formative Assessment Techniques
Assessing a student's learning process and performance is crucial in ensuring progress towards overall student success. There are various assessment techniques, including formative and summative. This essay shall evaluate formative assessment techniques and link questions to objectives.
Formative assessment techniques are crucial in improving and monitoring students' learning process. These techniques enable learners to understand their strengths and weaknesses (Leenknecht et al., 2021). Therefore, teachers can address most students' weaknesses to enable them to perform better. Equally important, formative assessment may be informal, formal, and group or individual. In this case, I shall choose Round Robin Charts as my preferred formative assessment technique. This assessment technique is suitable for grouped students in a classroom setting.
Round Robin Charts is an assessment strategy where students pass charts from one group to another to assess their understanding. In addition, this strategy is suitable for students in groups of 4 to 6 (Leenknecht et al., 2021). For instance, the teacher offers the group a blank chart where they write answers about the current lesson based on an open-ended question. Besides, students can add any new information to the chart regarding the topic. Overall, this assessment technique enables a teacher to understand the overall strengths and weaknesses of the students.
Round Robin Charts works perfectly in group discussions. Notably, this assessment technique allows all the students to participate equally in a group discussion (Leenknecht et al., 2021). Students usually take turns answering the open-ended questions to demonstrate their thoughts regarding the topic. In most cases, teachers use token chips to motivate the students to talk during their turn, encouraging equal participation. After completing a particular topic, the students move to the next group with a different topic. This chain continues until all the topics are complete, promoting an exchange of ideas and hastening the students' learning process. In brief, Round Robin Charts are an efficient formative assessment technique since they promote student content retention through brainstorming in group discussions.
Thread 2: Formative Assessment
Formative assessment is a powerful tool that a teacher can use to obtain maximal student results. Due to its nature, I have learned that this assessment technique enhances students' motivation and engagement. This instance includes obtaining student feedback, evaluating evidence, making instructional adjustments, and collecting learning evidence. Besides, I have also learned that this assessment strategy promotes personalized learning experiences since the teacher can assess the students understanding ...
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