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Opposing Gun Controls Offering Their Reasons

Essay Instructions:

Please make it for gun control not against gun control

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Gun Control
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Gun Control
The issue of gun control has been a thorny one in the US with both supporters and those opposing gun controls offering their reasons. Increased attacks from rogue gun owners targeting innocent civilians and students have raised the fatality rates thus calling for tighter gun controls.
There has been an increase in the public debate regarding increased population gun ownership and its relationship with violent criminal outcomes involving guns. People who have been against gun controls have often theorized that increased firearm ownership is in itself a deterrent to crime as well as a means to improve the personal defense. Modest as it may sound, the relationship between gun ownership is a controversial topic with various research findings on the same. According to Monuteaux, Lee, Hemenway, Mannix & Fleegler (2015), research has confirmed that gun ownership does not deter violent gun crime. On the contrary, their study shows that increased levels of gun ownership are attributed to increased gun-related violent crimes. Therefore, gun control is n...
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