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Anti-Retaliation and Harassment in the Workplace

Essay Instructions:

review your leadership structure, and identify the process by which you can propose a policy change and how that proposal would navigate throught leadership to get approved. identify a policy in your organization that you think could be created or amended to improve organizational governance, operations, or compliance with federal or state regulations. write a 700- to 1050- word paper that outlines your policy proposal ideas in which you do all of yhe following: provide ananalysis of how your policy change would improve tbe organization. evaluate what changes in the organization would need to be made to implement the policy change. explain how you would advocate for your policy change while using the approval processes in your organization. cite 3 reputable references to support your assignment ( e. g., trade or industry piblications, government or agency website, scholarly sorks, or other sources of similar quality). format your assignment according to apa guidelines.

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Anti-Retaliation Policy
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Anti-Retaliation Policy
Harassment is common among most organizations; however, there is little that is done to stop such activities from taking place because many of the cases go unreported (Hejase, 2015). Organizations are meant to promote safe environments for working as well as transparent working environments. Companies take certain measures to prevent harassment in the workplace. Harassment is hard to prevent in some situations. Nonetheless, certain procedures can be put in place to protect employees and create safe working environments. To completely minimize harassment cases in the company, I propose an anti-retaliation policy. The policy would require employees to report in good faith any potential or actual wrongdoings. The policy would also require timely disclosure of the concerns while prohibiting certain practices that are directed against staff members for reporting these wrongdoings.
Benefits of the Policy
Anti-retaliation policies are important for various reasons. Retaliation against employees who report concerns is illegal. This policy will, therefore, be in compliance with the federal, state, and local laws that prohibit retaliation (OSHA, 2017). With the lack of an anti-retaliation policy, employees may feel threatened to report any concerns because they might be subjected to harassment or retribution. By including an anti-retaliation policy, all employees, including contractors, temporary, and permanent staff members will be able to voice their concerns and appropriately address issues before they become more problematic. This ensures that employees adhere to federal laws and enables the company to create a good working environment that prevents unlawful retaliation against staff members. The anti-retaliation policy will also be useful in improving the level of job satisfaction of employees and encouraging their engagement at work (OSHA, 2017). By increasing the level of employee engagement, the company will be able to excel in operational efficiency, productivity, and profitability.
Changes to Be Made In the Company
To effectively implement the anti-retaliation policy, certain changes need to be made in the organization. These changes include convincing the management to show commitment to the policy, incorporating a system for listening and resolving employee compliance issues, establishing a system for receiving and responding to retaliation reports, incorporating an anti-retaliation training and establishing a program to oversight the entire implementation. The management team is a key player in policy implementation since they influence the workers. By convincing the managers to accept the policy, they would be able to take action to ensure that the policy is successfully implemented. This can involve conferring with workers and other representatives about establishing and improving management awareness, taking part in training for managers to gain more knowledge about retaliation and their legal obligations, as well as rewarding employees whose disclosures positively influenced the company.
Establishing a system for listening and resolving compliance issues is also an important change in the company. This would involve promoting an organizational culture that values the act of raising concerns about the practices and conditions of the workplace (OSHA, 2017). The company should come up with channels for allowing employees to forward their concerns. The channels can either include helplines or anonymous reporting either through websites or emails. The company should also restructure informal or formal incentives, which can foster or allow retaliation or dampen reporting. The organization should also incorporate a system that receives and responds to retaliation issues. The company should have a system that enables workers who have experienced retaliation to report and receive immediate help. The channel should enable staff members to raise their concerns to the highest levels. The company’s top officials should have clearly defined tasks or should include ethics and compliance personnel, which will also be explained to subordinates. The compliance personnel should be offered appropriate training on how to deal with retaliation reports and employees should also be made aware of the procedures of reporting.
The company would need to include an all-level training program, which will provide managers and subordinates the necess...
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