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The Use of Information Technology in Healthcare

Essay Instructions:
Structure of the assignment You will need to find 2 articles about the use of IT in healthcare. Try and look for recent articles. Do not go back more than 6 years. They can talk about a scenario that is taking place in HI anywhere around the world. Summarize both these articles and write a paper. Attach a link to the articles in your paper. It will be helpful if you take two similar articles. In other words, you will look for articles that are describing the same concept. So, for example, if you are looking for web registration of patients in a hospital, look for two articles that talk about this topic. The articles may be from different magazines or journals. In addition to this, you must also explain in your own word how HI has made a positive change in patient care based on what you understood from these articles. Summarize the articles in 2 pages. The 1st page will be a cover page and the last page is a page listing references used in your assignment So, now your assignment is 4 pages in total (cover page, content and reference). However, the majority of your work is in the 2 middle pages. Your paper must be written in APA format. Look for an example of an APA paper.More instructions on APA (including an example) can be found at: http://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/560/01/ Rubric and Grading Schema Paper is written in APA format = 10% of the grade Link to the articles is cited in references = 10% of the grade Grammar and spelling = 10% of the grade Timely submission= 10% of the grade References are cited and used = 10% of the grade Relation of the concept to HI and Patient care= 50% of the grade
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Running Head: The Use of Information Technology in Healthcare
The Use of Information Technology in Healthcare
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Healthcare is very important which means that every stakeholder should take care of it. This implies that all patients and their relatives should make use of information technology to achieve the best deal in communication. This simplifies communication at any given time and increases efficiency.
The Use of Information Technology in Healthcare
Advances in technology have seen all the sectors in the economy adapt new methods of communication with their stakeholders. The development of the internet has resulted in healthcare institutions adopting information technology as the new way of passing information to its customers. In the article Consumer Trust—Challenge for E-Healthcare by Matysiewicz, J. & Smyczek, the authors try to analyze the impact of information technology (IT) on the healthcare sector. The two argue that IT "covers everything from electronic prescriptions and computerized medical records to the use of new systems and services that cut waiting times and reduces data errors` (p. 148). Internet has become the highly used mode of gathering information, communicating with other people, exploring services and purchasing goods. This can be attributed to the fact that it very easy and fast to search and access the required information as opposed to earlier times when this was not possible because one had to go through large volumes of written materials. Customers are able to find e-services easily through the use World Wide Web (WWW). This makes marketing easy for health institutions as long as they advertise their services in the right websites (Matysiewicz & Smyczek, 2011).
On the other hand, Fell (2009) notes; communication ...
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