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Final Paper

Essay Instructions:
This Final Paper will be written on (Parts 10-15): You will write an analysis from the Deep History of Ourselves book based on your selected three parts for midterm and final (Parts 1 -9 -midterm and Parts 10-15 for final). The paper will be written in APA style (double-spaced, font style, font size, and margins) and should follow the following format: Title page (page 1), abstract (page 2), main body (pages 3, 4…), and a reference page (with at least five citations) that begins on separate page after conclusion of main body of the paper. Failure to do so will result in points deducted throughout your paper. The main body of your paper (excluding the title page, abstract page, and references) will be a minimum of 3,750 words (15 pages) in length. Your paper should also include at least five properly cited references that are NOT from the course textbook or the internet (e.g., use professional journal articles, book chapters, or books). This final paper will be a paper on LeDoux’s book that focuses on Parts 10-15. For example, you will select three parts (each five pages a length) and provide an analysis and overview of that topic.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Final Paper Students Name Institutional Affiliation Course Code and Name Instructors Name Date Final Paper Abstract This comprehensive analysis focuses on the workings of human cognition, highlighting the fundamental roles of deliberate cognition, schmoozing, cognitive hardware, and memory in shaping individual experiences and societal dynamics. Through analysis, LeDoux outlines the neural mechanisms of decision-making, social interaction, and the formation of conscious experiences. The concept of cognitive coalitions illuminates how individuals align cognitively to achieve shared goals, while the notion of rewired and running hot shows the brain's remarkable adaptability and metabolic demands. Memory emerges as a central pillar, unifying past experiences to construct narratives of selfhood and guide higher-order awareness. By examining these phenomena through the lens of memory, this LeDoux offers major insights into the complexities of human cognition and consciousness, paving the way for deeper understanding and potential avenues for future research and intervention. Top of Form Surviving and Thriving by Thinking LeDoux’s section on surviving and thriving by thinking focuses on the functions and mechanisms of deliberate cognition. Deliberate cognition is a process of the mind whereby individuals consider various options before making decisions. The process of considering these options plays an important role in ensuring that the individuals makes the right decision. This is a key aspect for people seeking to thrive by thinking. For instance, if a person makes the wrong decisions, the chances are high that they would not thrive as expected. The deliberate cognition process also focuses on the aspects of planning actions. Such aspects are crucial in adaptive behavior among organisms. It enables an organism to plan the best course of action that suits it better to adapt to the current environments. This aspect has played a major role in making people get used to different environments or manoeuvre different challenges in life (Herbet & Duffau, 2020). For example, if a person is faced with a difficult situation, they can plan their next course of action to ensure that it saves them from the challenge. The major factor concerning thriving by thinking that LeDoux addresses is that organisms engage in intentional thinking. This type of thinking depends on what the organism is going through. It is a common process for solving complex problems whereby an individual has to consider all viable options. In some cases, these options present as complex, hence calling for critical thinking to come up with the best solution. Without the intentional thinking, an individual might end up guessing a decision and this might not meet the goal of thriving by thinking. Additionally, deliberate cognitive make it easy for human being to simulate future scenarios. Through such simulation, people are able to predict the consequences and in turn, make the right decision necessary for thriving in the future. A good example is when planning for retirement. In such a situation, the individual has to plan their financials to ensure that they have enough money to cater for the retirement. Among the key decisions is knowing the amount of money to save in the present, its future value and the best investments to make. Without such decisions, a person might find themselves in a situation whereby they have not saved enough money for their retirement. Therefore, LeDoux points out that deliberate cognition is a key factor in humans because it helps them plan their lives. Additionally, LeDoux brings up the engine of deliberate cognition as the key pathway guiding the decision making process in humans. Deliberative cognition is powered by a sophisticated neural machinery that integrates information from diverse sources and generates adaptive responses to environmental demands. The response of the neural pathway depends on the type of stimuli that it is exposed to. In the case of human beings, these stimuli entail the aspects that people face on a daily basis. For instance, an individual might be faced with a dilemma of choosing between two jobs. In such a case, the neural pathway will process the advantages and disadvantages of both jobs. Once the individual has perceived all the necessary information, it will be easy for them to make a viable decision. The ability of the neural pathways to perceive and relay information varies from one person to another. One person might find a job to have disadvantages that the other individual did not recognize. The key factor of this neural pathway is the prefrontal cortex, a region in the brain that facilitates cognitive thinking (Herbet & Duffau, 2020). The prefrontal cortex coordinates with other brain regions, including the hippocampus, amygdala, and striatum, to process incoming information, weigh alternative courses of action, and select the most appropriate response. Moreover, neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin modulate the activity of these brain circuits. They influence motivation, reward processing, and emotional regulation. Dysfunction in the neural mechanisms underlying deliberative cognition has been implicated in various psychiatric disorders. Among them are depression, anxiety, and addiction. They highlight the importance of understanding these processes for mental health and well-being. According to LeDoux, understanding the neural basis of deliberative cognition, researchers aim to develop targeted interventions that enhance cognitive flexibility, resilience, and adaptive functioning in both clinical and nonclinical populations. Such research would result in the development of frameworks and medication to address the associated medical conditions. LeDoux’s work also provides a lot of details to facilitate further research. LeDoux's analysis of the engine of deliberative cognition shows the neural processes that elaborate human decision-making. This sophisticated neural machinery integrates information from diverse sources. Among them are sensory inputs, learned knowledge, and adaptive responses tailored to environmental demands. Schmoozing, often underestimated as mere social banter, is a complex phenomenon that includes communicative strategies aimed at building relationships, fostering trust, and achieving shared goals within interpersonal interactions (Begemann et al., 2020). This process goes beyond verbal communication, incorporating various nonverbal cues such as body language, facial expressions, and vocal intonation. These factors convey subtle aspects of emotion and intent. These cues serve as the key factor upon which social bonds are forged and maintained, facilitating the exchange of information, emotions, and intentions between individuals. Central to the art of schmoozing is its adaptability and context sensitivity, as individuals tailor their communication style and content to suit the preferences and expectations of their interlocutors. This approach allows for the establishment of rapport and mutual understanding, laying the groundwork for collaborative endeavors and cooperative relationships. Moreover, schmoozing extends beyond individual interactions to include broader social dynamics. They include group cohesion, cultural norms, and power dynamics. In professional settings, adept schmoozers leverage their interpersonal skills to navigate organizational hierarchies, negotiate agreements, and advance their careers. They recognize the pivotal role of social capital in achieving professional success. However, schmoozing is not without its ethical dilemmas. The line between genuine rapport-building and manipulative flattery can sometimes blur. While genuine schmoozing involves authentic engagement and mutual benefit, manipulative tactics aimed at exploitation or deceit can undermine trust and erode social cohesion. Therefore, discernment and integrity are paramount in navigating the complex world of interpersonal relationships. This ensures that schmoozing remains a tool for constructive collaboration rather than a means of manipulation or exploitation. By examining the various aspects of schmoozing, researchers gain deeper insights into the dynamics of social influence, cooperation, and conflict resolution. This sheds light on the complex connection between individual agency and social structure in human societies. Through interdisciplinary inquiry, scholars explore the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral mechanisms that form the basis of schmoozing. Such clarifies its role in shaping social networks, organizational dynamics, and cultural norms. Moreover, by addressing the ethical dimensions of schmoozing, researchers contribute to the development of ethical guidelines and best practices that promote integrity, transparency, and mutual respect in interpersonal interactions. Ultimately, an understanding of schmoozing holds the potential to enhance social cohesion, foster collaborative relationships, and cultivate a culture of trust and reciprocity in both professional and personal spheres of life. Schmoozing operates as a dynamic social lubricant, smoothing the friction of interpersonal interactions and fostering a sense of goodwill (Begemann et al., 2020). Its subtle aspects often go unnoticed. Its impact is felt throughout social networks, influencing decisions, alliances, and opportunities. While schmoozing is often associated with professional networking and career advancement, its influence extends far beyond the workplace. It shapes friendships, family dynamics, and community bonds. Ultimately, schmoozing serves as an evidence to human sociality, where communication, empathy, and reciprocity converge to create the fabric of society. Cognitive Hardware Embarking on a journey through the cognitive hardware of the human brain, LeDoux unveils various interconnected processes. Perception and memory stands as two towering pillars that shape the conscious experience of individuals. As one navigates through the neural architecture that form the basis of these cognitive functions,...
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