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Film analysis 'Mean Creek'

Essay Instructions:
We watched a film named "Mean Creek." The film written and directed by Jacob Aaron Estes. We have to critically analyze the movie, analyze some of the main characters. The theme of the paper has to focus on guilt and punishment. No recap or summary of the film.
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Film Analysis "Mean Creek"
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(14 September, 2012)
It has not been an easy task to many movie directors to direct children, but Jacob Aaron, the director of Main Creek accomplished the goal well, as there is no other way any director could ask for the best cast from children for a film. The kids in the movie showed the ability of pulling together to an extent that they can think together logically and morally like adults. The tragedy in the movie is not the ending, but the manner through which the ending affects the involved parties. After watching it, the aim of this easy is to critically analyze main characters in the movie by focusing on guilt and punishment in the movie.
The movie, "Mean Creek” has various characters. The main characters are Sam, Gorge, Marty, Clyde and Millie. Sam is very gently and kindhearted school boy. For example, when he was told by Marty and Rocky about their plot to toss in the water, he tells them that the plot might hurt Gorge. He is the cause of the plot of revenge which later gets out of hand. In addition, he is both sensitive and shy. His curiosity mostly leads him to a lot of trouble. Moreover, Sam is illustrated in the movie as being understated and restrained. This is well shown when he is bullied by Gorge in the school compound. Despite being bullied by Gorge, Sam holds back from hitting back.
The other important character in the movie is Marty. Marty is represented as being a very complicated character. In the entire film, he is portrayed as being very unsympathetic. Despite this, he is very damaged and vulnerable. He is not only bully but also sensitive and vulnerable. For example, when Rocky informs Marty the newest beating that his brother had got from Gorge, they try to devise a revenge mechanism which constitutes making an invitation for the despised youth to for Sam’s fake birthday party. Their intention was simply to rent a boat, then take Gorge out of the river, strip him and eventually toss him in the river compelling him to go home naked.
The other main character is Clyde. Within the entire gang, he is the most withdrawn group member. He is very sensitive and caring young man. He had been bullied earlier by both Marty and Gorge in the movie. He is not only honest but also has a firm understanding of what is correct and incorrect. His gentle nature and unconventional life at home predisposes him to baseless allegations concerning his sexuality.
Millie is another major character in the movie. She is portrayed as being very innocent. In addition, she is childish with a lot of self conf...
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