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What Fictional Character Do You Relate To And Why?

Essay Instructions:

Each question for 350-500 words


1.To what fictional character do you most relate, and why? You may select a character from animation, art, film, literature, television, theater or any other medium. (350-500)

2. Diversity is dynamic and inclusive; a destination and a pathway we travel to model 21st century global citizenship. Diversity matters because the exchange of ideas matter and because no one person or group has all the answers; it helps us to know ourselves in all our multiple dimensions and know each other better. How has the neighborhood you grew up in, your experiences in school, and/or your family background shaped your views and deeds on equity, inclusion, and diversity? How might these influences enable you to contribute something unique to ODI's mission, which is to advance equity, inclusion, and diversity by supporting and advocating for individuals and groups who have been traditionally underserved in education and beyond? Note: Don't forget to provide examples. (350-500)

Personal Information

gender: female

nationality: Chinese

home city: Beijing

current city: NYC

major: finance

hobby: reading books, art drawing, drama

club: grade 9-10 art club, model UN; grade 11 cheerleading; grade12 drama club, lunar new year show; volunteering on community service

activity: summer internship at EF Academy Beijing Office (marketing department), summer tutoring at a primary school in Sichuan, China

current course: IB diploma in math, psychology, economics, physics, French abinitio, English Lang. & Lit

personality: outgoing, helpful, easy-going, careful, interest in math

apply for Ohio State University

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Date of submission
Question 1: What fictional character do you relate to and why?
Being a lover of books and television shows, I am intrigued by how much characters affect me. For a long time, I have related to Davis from the movie Demolition. Davis plays the role of a successful investment banker struggling after his wife dies in a tragic accident though he slowly begins to rebuild his life with the help of a customer service representative and her son. The reason why this character has made so much impact in me is because since the loss of my sister, I have struggled to move on. There is something about death that breaks a part of you. I lost my sister to suicide. It has been a daily struggle to learn to live without her. The worst part was that I did not know how to grief. I became destructive by imbibing more, being overly angry at the slightest provocation and withdrawal. It was self-destructive for a very long time. I would go for days without communicating and locked out everyone I knew. Watching Davis it was so surreal seeing how he kept himself busy through demolition to try and forget the pain. It was more or less what I did, and I could honestly feel his pain.
The character of Davis was a spotlight at the struggles of grief. Grieving is a process that never really ends. To get over the death of his wife required great help and patience from the customer service representative. This always reminds me of the people who helped me during the worst periods of my life. Very few people know how to deal with a grieving person and tend to withdraw or assume that after the funeral all is well. But the truth is that after all the people are gone, the reality begins to sink. Combine that with loneliness and your world comes crashing down. Having people to hold my hand, was the most reassuring feeling. The people who made you feel that in all this you were never alone. The friends who were present and for the period they were around, I would forget I was grieving and empty. The movie demolition has been a long time favorite, though I cannot re-watch it, as it brought attention that there is need to check up on people who are hurt...
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