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Young Goodman Brown: Symbols, Imagery

Essay Instructions:

Symbol: FaithTheme: Young Goodman brown lost his direction and his way and religious believes byquestioning his faith and not having it to guide him.Faith in this story is a pretty straight forward symbol in which his wife is really a symbolismfor his religious faith. Early in the story it is established that Brown is very new to idea offaith, “we but three months married•, and is not yet completely convinced that he isready to just believe. Brown, being new to the religion or having some reservations aboutit, has decided to take a journey in which he seeks to reinforce his believes and comeback stronger to his religion and faith. He believes that his marriage is so strong that thereisn’t a question that he will come back and be stronger than then when he left. Thesymbolism of faith and how he views her in the beginning of the story and the end showshow his journey has impacted his believe and faith in a very negative way.. The crook in the road is a great use of imagery that shows how doubt and insecurity canmake us lose our path without us even noticing when it happens. Brown looks back out offear of the devil being behind him and loses his way, coming into contact with the devilhimself. Had he just had faith he wouldn’t have had a need to look back and wouldhave taken the right path. The symbols and images tie together to guide the reader,through Young Goodman Browns eyes, though a roller coaster of emotions that lead themain character from a confident and faithful believer to one that doubts his path becauseof the actions others have taken and his inability to separate his believe from the sins ofothers.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Symbol and imagery in the story “Young Goodman Brown”
Nathaniel Hawthorne is one of the famous writers who captured the reader’s attention using artistic expressions throughout his stories . The tale of Young Goodman Brown is set in Salem, Massachusetts during the period of the Salem witch trials (Hawthorne, 2015). Hawthorne presents a tale of a young man struggling with understanding God. Nathaniel uses this story to illustrate and criticize moral principles during Salem witch trials. His representation of certain artistic elements of a story like characters, plot, symbolism and imagery, highlight the theme of the story (Hawthorne, 2015).
One symbolism used in the story is Brown’s wife, Hawthorne draws the readers’ attention to faith‘s pink ribbons in the story (Hawthorne, 2015). In the first paragraphs, Goodman Brown’s wife tries to convince him to stay home. Goodman says, "My love and my Faith, of all nights of the year, this one night I must tarry away from thee." (Hawthorne, 2015). The forest is symbolic because it describes Brown’s journey of discovering his true faith (Hawthorne, 2015). The idea of forest makes the reader know that Brown is walking into evil. Goodman Brown’s faith is based on his wife's faith. When he feels he is losing his wife to the devil, he also feels that he is losing his faith in God (Seay, 2015).
Hawthorne uses imagery to capture the reader's attention and elaborate his theme. Readers become aware of the twist of good versus evil through the tale of young Goodman Brown. Hawthorne portrays evi...
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