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Feminism Cristicsm On The Yellow Wallpaper

Essay Instructions:

read the yellow wallpaper and write a feminist criticism essay on it. When writing the essay please select the topic of feminism as VICTIM FEMINISM. Not male oppression. Please also do not add any sources from other websites, use only the story itself. Please provide a rough draft first as well.

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Feminism Criticism on the Yellow Wallpaper
Feminism Criticism on the Yellow Wallpaper
The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines feminism as “the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes.” In another definition, the dictionary states that feminism is, “organized activity on behalf of women’s rights and interests.” Feminism has been lauded over the years especially for its push to have women be recognized as equals to their male counterparts. In the recent past, women were seen as property and men had absolute power over them. They were not allowed to have goals, they were denied the right to vote, and their only job was to be housewives. However, when feminists arose, the narrative changed and currently, women hold some of the biggest and powerful positions. Feminism, according to Pollit (2017), provides and guarantees women equal rights as well as choices as men. This article seeks to vividly focus on the concept of feminism as depicted in the 19th-century fictional story, The Yellow Wallpaper. However, instead of focusing on the entirety of the concept, this article seeks to address victim feminism which seeks to foster the idea that women should seek for their share or pursue their rights by identifying with or embracing powerlessness.
The Yellow Wallpaper is a story about the narrator (John’s wife) and John. As the story begins, everything seems fine, and as a reader, one is taken aback by the somber mood it adopts later. Based on the time it was written, one can tell that the position of women in the society was still a contentious issue and men felt and thought themselves superior. One of the signals or signs of oppression is depicted in the story when Gilman (1897) describes the house as an “ancestral hall.” The above is indeed symbolic and emblematic to the times and mentality of men and the society. As per the society, women were supposed to be obedient to their husbands, listen and hearken to every word they are told. Unsurprisingly, the narrator adopts this nature, and in one instance, with the encouragement of her dear husband, she blames herself for being “reasonably angry.” Throughout the story, she comes out as weak, and John greatly contributes to this. In some instances, he calls her “little girl, ” and at another instance, he said “bless her little heart” statements which were meant to belittle the narrator (Gilman, 1892).
The story encompasses the attributes of victim feminism perfectly in that the narrator (the oppressed) assumes the powerlessness bestowed or expected of her by John and the society. However, she uses the same weakness to fight off and let out her feelings and the person she was hiding inside. Like the wallpaper which at first was okay and seemed normal, she slowly starts to notice the stereotypes bestowed on her by the society. She notices how like the woman in the painting she too was trying to get out of whichever hole she was in.
However, the story also mentions how as soon as she tries to free...
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