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Feed Analysis: What Can Fiction Show Us?

Essay Instructions:

What can fiction show us?

Although Feed is a fictional book and most of the events are absolutely unreal, other elements of the book reflect aspects of real life. In fact, the book touches on many themes we think about regularly: 1) the importance of individuality (and/or conformity), 2) the notion of happiness, 3) the conflict between “real” and virtual experience (one provided by technology), 4) empathy and the ability to care for others in meaningful ways, 5) the importance of memory, 6) the loss of culture (reading and writing for example), and 7) the omnipresence of advertising and consumerism, to name some of these.

Writing Task: Consider the themes presented in Feed; choose one and analyze how M.T. Anderson presents and explores this theme. (Think to yourself: what is this book really about?) Select passages that connect to your theme and develop an overarching opinion about what the book has to say about this theme. (You could focus on a single character, a relationship, an important event, or any other element of the book to illustrate your theme and focus.)

After your analysis, connect to our real life; does M.T. Anderson's offer us any useful ways to view our own behavior? (Think metaphorically!)

Your essay should:

Provide thorough background information.

Develop a Thesis Statement.

Support the Thesis of the essay with clearly stated supporting points.

Develop focused paragraphs.

Paraphrase passages from the book to support the points in your paragraphs. Use direct quotes & from the book. Give credit to the author when appropriate.

Analyze the text.

Explain the connections between your ideas and examples.

Conclude your essay so that the reader understands that you are finished.


1. Follow “Guidelines for Written Work;”

2. Length 3 pages, double spaced, one-inch margins, top, and bottom, left and right;

3. Use a regular 12 point font (Times New Roman for example);

4. Include a list of your resources on a separate page at the end of your essay.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Feed Analysis (Student’s name) Literature and Language (Institutional affiliation Feed Analysis The theme of identity is found in the Feed and that will be the focus as part of this paper. The weekend party at Quendy’s house happened because her parents were choking in a certain place. After this, everyone else wanted to do a choking party. Most of the time, parents panics because their kids attend “choking” parties because it turns out that choking one’s self or someone else doing it for them gives them high. The idea sounds silly, and the parents of Titus do not have a normal midlife crisis because when a person experiences this, he or she buy car or have an affair. Why they do is act like teenagers of the worse kind and Violet. Some teenagers do not know the repercussions of their actions and that is one main points of “Feed.” The book is about Titus who live in what could be the future of America because of the advancement of science. People are able to travel in future as part of tourist attraction and approximately 70% of the population has “the feed”. This is an advance version of the internet that is linked to all social network sites. People can know about update right away because it is directly implanted in their heads. It is like a part of their arms, lungs, and legs. Titus and Violet 1st met in the Ricochet Lounge, and Violet’s wool dress catch the attention of Titus. Aside from that, while Violet was drinking her juice, it created a bubble on her tongue which attracted Titus even more to her. One passage I chose from the book is: “Violet was standing near the fountain and she had a real low shirt on, to show off her lesion, because the stars of Oh? Wow! Thing! Had started to get lesions, so now people were thinking better about lesions, and lesions even looked kind of cool.” (M.T. Anderson, 2012). I th...
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