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Fear and Trembling

Essay Instructions:

Book: Kierkegaard, Søren.  Fear & Trembling.  [1843.]  C. Stephen Evans & Sylvia Walsh, edd.  Sylvia Walsh, trans.  Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy.  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 2006.  I.S.B.N.:  978-0-521-61269-2.

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Fear and Trembling
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Fear and Trembling
It is impossible to distinguish a knight of faith by appearance. However, Kierkegaard guides us in distinguishing such people by asserting that they are usually happy amid the challenges (p. 50). Even when the circumstances are unfavorable to him, the Knight of Faith will be happy and will readily take a leap of faith under uncertain circumstances.
Johannes de Silentio literally means “John of silence,” is Kierkegaard’s pseudonym, who could be a reference to the silence that exists between Abraham and Isaac on their way to Mount Moriah. The Pseudonym author attempts to persuade the reader to consent to the alternative that involves paradox and absolute duty to God. The author helps Kierkegaard to illuminate the concept of fear and trembling in its historical context and to expound on how his analy...
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