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Coronavirus Vaccine Literature & Language Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

This portion of your essay is an argument in which you put the current topic – and the question it raises – into the context of your historical/cultural research. Your thesis will probably be the long version of a “yes” or “no” answer to the question you first raised. You will need to argue for that assertion (i.e. the thesis at the beginning of your essay) based on evidence you’ve already presented and your own objective analysis and synthesis of that evidence. You will also need to have accurately described the issue you are addressing. You are not required to do any additional research for this section, but you may want to in order to better define the issues or to present an opposing viewpoint.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
On the Development of Coronavirus Vaccine
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Coronavirus Vaccine
Developing a coronavirus vaccine is the biggest concern in the world currently bearing the impacts that the virus has triggered. The World Health Organization (WHO) has led the global efforts geared towards finding a stable vaccine for COVID-19. The WHO is working with various stakeholders including the business community, global health organizations, and scientists individually and collectively intending to find a faster solution to the pandemic. However, notable breakthroughs have been met with challenges that limit their usage. That has raised questions on whether a coronavirus vaccine will ever be developed to take the world back to normalcy. While there have been challenges in developing the virus, it is notable that a vaccine for COVID-19 will be developed following the different efforts that have showcased the commitment to overcome the virus.
Different studies have been conducted to draw the world closer to developing a vaccine. In August, Russia’s announcement of its breakthrough in the global search for the coronavirus vaccine. The vaccine was called Sputnik V. Russia announced that the vaccine had been subjected to two successful primary trials. That development was welcomed with positivity and negativity in equal measures. While a faction of stakeholders heralded it as a step towards a concrete solution, more people refused to acknowledge the viability of the development.
Russia’s commitment to delivering Sputnik V for global use continues to attract debates. Reports by CNN’s Zahra Ullah and Anna Chernova on September 9, 2020, stating that Russia has started the mandatory Phase 3 trials of Sputnik V, signal a return to normalcy sooner than anticipated by critics of the Russian COVID-19 vaccine (Ullah, 2020). Russia had announced Sputnik V as the world’s first coronavirus vaccine approved for p...
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