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Social Structure & Social Interaction Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

1 ASSIGNMENT 2 SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND SOCIAL INTERACTION Due Week 6: 110 points You’ve learned how important groups, roles, statuses, and social networks are in the structure of society. In this assignment, you will complete a short answer activity in which you’ll demonstrate what you’ve learned by identifying and describing examples from your own life. Use the Assignment 2 template to complete this assignment YOUR STATUS SET, ROLES, AND ROLE PROBLEMS 1) Status Set: a) List five statuses that you currently have. • Remember: A status is simply a position you fill in society. It may be a job title, but it could also include a position you fill within a family or a community. For more information, review Section 4.3 in your webtext. b) Label each status as either ascribed, achieved, or master. • Remember: An ascribed status is one you’re born with and have no control over. An achieved status is reached through your own efforts or simply good or bad luck. A master status is so important that it overrides your other statuses. For more information, review Section 4.3 in your webtext. 2 2) Roles: a) Choose one status from your list. b) Describe the role that is associated with the status. c) Describe how you learned that role. • Remember: A role isthe behavior expected of someone with a certain status. For more information, review Section 4.4 in your webtext. 3) Role Conflict: a) Describe a time when you experienced a conflict because of the demands of two different roles associated with any of your statuses. b) How did you resolve the conflict? (Discuss any conversation or social interactions you had.) c) List any active listening skills you used to resolve the conflict. If you didn’t use active listening skills, then list the skills you could have used to resolve the conflict. • Remember: Refer to the active listening skills checklist in page 2.10 in your webtext. FORMATTING 4) Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: • Use theAssignment 2 template to complete this assignment. • References are notrequired forthis assignment as you will use your webtext. • Be sure to include your name and the date on the cover page. 3 RUBRIC Grading for this assignment will be based on the following rubric: POINTS: 110 ASSIGNMENT 2: SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND SOCIAL INTERACTION Criteria Exemplary 100% - A Proficient 85% - B Fair 75% - C Meets Minimum Expectations 65% - D Unacceptable 0% - F 1. List five status that you currently have and label each status. Weight: 30% Lists an accurate set of five statuses. Each status is labeled correctly. Additional status sets are included or student identified nontraditional statuses that may not be obvious. Lists an accurate set of five statuses. Each status is labeled correctly. Lists five statuses. One or two statuses may not be accurate, or one or two status labels may be incorrect. Lists five statuses. Three or four statuses may not be accurate, or three or four status labels may be incorrect. Lists less than five statuses. All statuses may not be accurate, or all status labels may be incorrect. 2. Describe a role and explain how you learned it. Weight: 30% Accurately describes how a role is associated with a status and how the role was learned, including supporting details. Demonstrates strong understanding by using sociology terms and providing logical, accurate, and concise information. Accurately describes how a role is associated with a status and how the role was learned, including supporting details. Partially describes how a role is associated with a status and how the role was learned, but some of the supporting details are missing. Inaccurately describes how a role is associated with a status or how the role was learned and supporting details are sparse. Does not describe how a role is associated with a status and/or how the role was learned and does not provide supporting details. 4 POINTS: 110 ASSIGNMENT 2: SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND SOCIAL INTERACTION Criteria Exemplary 100% - A Proficient 85% - B Fair 75% - C Meets Minimum Expectations 65% - D Unacceptable 0% - F 3. Describe a role conflict and explain the approach and active listening skills used to resolve the conflict. Weight: 30% Supporting details are provided to fully describe a role conflict and to support the approach taken. Demon- strates strong understanding by using sociology terms and providing logical, accurate, and concise information. Demonstrated a strong recognition of how active listening skills were used or could be used to resolve the conflict. Includes supporting details to describe a role conflict and to support the approach taken. Demonstrated a good recognition of how active listening skills were used or could be used to resolve the conflict. Supporting details are used but some key details are missing to describe a role conflict, or to support the approach taken. More details are needed to demonstrate recognition of how active listening skills were used or could be used to resolve the conflict. Supporting details are sparse to describe a role conflict, or to support the approach taken. There were too few details about active listening skills used to demonstrate recognition of using the skills to resolve the conflict. Does not describe a role conflict, or does not provide the approach taken or active listening skills used. 4. Write in a skillful manner using stated formatting and correct grammar and spelling. Weight: 10% Writing is excellent. Tone is appropriate and demonstrates excellent word choice. Shows exceptional logic, clarity, and stated formatting. Contains no spelling or grammatical errors. Writing is proficient. Tone is appropriate. Shows logic, clarity, and stated formatting. May contain few or no spelling and/ or grammatical errors. Writing is satisfactory. Appropriate and/or consistent tone is developing. Shows moderate logic, clarity, and/or stated formatting. May contain more than a few spelling and/ or grammatical errors. Writing meets minimal standards. Tone is not appropriate. Lacking one or more of logic, clarity, and/or stated formatting. May contain many spelling and/ or grammatical errors. Writing does not meet minimal standards. Tone is not appropriate. Wholly lacking in logic, clarity, and/or stated formatting. Contains many spelling and/or grammatical errors.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Assignment 2 Social Structure and Social Interaction
(Your name)
Introduction to Sociology
(Your professor’s name)
Status Set


Label (Ascribed, Achieved, or Master)


College Student

Achieved status



Ascribed status


Supermarket Cashier

Achieved Status


Basket baller

Achieved status



Ascribed status

Rolesleft279400The student status I gained after joining school comes with the role of studying hard and passing all my examinations. Learning includes finishing my assignments early and reading ahead. I need to understand what I read then ask my professors questions if I did not fully comprehend the concepts. I learned this role actively by attending classes and completing assignments, thus leading to the understanding of a responsible student. My professors also taught me to set goals that I should achieve to improve on my grades. Successful people who did their best at school are a lesson and an inspiration to study hard. They became my role models as they worked hard to build their careers. 00The student status I gained after ...
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