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GMO Foods: Explore Some Of The Pertinent Issues

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This research inquiry is going to explore some of the pertinent issues that have surrounded production, distribution, and consumption of GMO foods.

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GMO Foods
Over the years, I have come across a variety of published literature on GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms). The information in the public domain regarding this issue has been subjectively interpreted to propagate fallacies that encourage or discourage consumption of GMO food. GMO has been earmarked as dangerous and unsafe for human consumption albeit being widely consumed across the globe. Most people have taken GMO either directly or indirectly. Thus, it is very probable that at one instance I have taken GMO and I have exposed myself to the risks associated with it thereof. However, scientific experiments have been conducted to ascertain the assertions made regarding consuming genetically modified foods. The findings from these research experiments provide sufficient information to dislodge the fallacies held by the public regarding GMO. I, therefore, feel obligated to research on GMO and understand why it is perceived as unsafe for human consumption albeit some scientific researchers recommend it. Thus, this research inquiry is going to explore some of the pertinent issues that have surrounded production, distribution, and consumption of GMO foods.
Genetically Modified Organisms is a scientific triumph which has provided an alternative method to feed the growing world population. GMO are plants or animals whose DNA has been altered in the laboratory to increase their resistance to diseases, yield more produce, mature faster, resistance to climatic changes or add new nutritional components necessary for human survival. However, the production and consumption of GMO foods have sparked a heated debate across the globe with the general public perception inclined to disregard the role it plays in their survival. Many proponents or opponents of the inclusion of GMO in diet have vested interests and have overlooked facts on the true effects of GMO.
Most countries around the world have passed legislations requiring food producing companies to inform the public if the food contains GMO. Labeling food is a measure to ensure the public is aware of what is contained in their food and make informed choices about their health. USA is one of the countries that has not necessitated its food producers and distributors to label their foods if they contain GMO. However, lately, groups and activists have been pushing for such legislation. Although it is ethical and moral to label foods with GMO, it is likely to limit the production of GMO and stifle efforts of research into developing more advanced GMO that can solve the food security problem around the world CITATION Mar09 \l 1033 (Lee). Most countries recommend labeling of GMOs to sufficiently inform the public the nature of commodities they are buying; many countries are yet passed such a policy. While am not against labeling of GMO foods, steps should be taken to sufficiently inform the public on GMO with verified facts. More labeling without sufficiently informing the public of GMO effects backed by scientifically proven facts is likely to add more fear to the public about GMO.
Over the years since when GMO foods hit the shelves, there have been controversies over its effects on human health. GMO food has been associated with toxicities and allergic reactions. It has also been associated with stunted growth, poor immune system, a cancerous growth, congenital disabilities among other adverse effects CITATION Meg15 \l 1033 (Norris). The studies conducted on animals on the effects of GMO have also been similar thus affirming that GMOs are unsafe for humans and animals alike. Other than health effects, production of GMO is not environmentally friendly, and it has led to increased environmental pollution. Chemicals used to alter crop and animal DNA are environmental pollutants, and they infiltrate the mechanism meant to net them from leading to environmental pollution. Many opposers to GMO inclusion in food supply quote the aforementioned factors among others. Nevertheless, are the aforementioned factors verified effects emanating from exposure to GMO or is it a deep-seated fallacy within the public domain?
Some research findings show that GMOs are not necessarily unhealthy or causative agents of cancer contrary to popular belief. GMOs are safe food supplements sometimes necessary for survival, and it does not harbor adverse hea...
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