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The Importance Of Communication: Point Of The Story

Essay Instructions:

1. What is a conflict you have had? 
2. What happened? 
3. Where did it begin? 
4. Why did it happen? 
5. How did it happen? 
6. How was it resolved? 
7. What is the point of the story? Can the reader learn an important lesson from your experience? 
Need to be prepared according to the following answers detail. Write the self's experience. 
1.I got my work process heavily delayed due to lack of communication. 
2.Due to the lack of communication, we were late on delivering the work. 
3.At the first team meeting. 
4.I only focused on my own task and forgot to pay attention onto the entire team task. 
5.It happened because I wanned to deliver the work as soon as possible.  
6.Eventually, we were late at delivering the promised work, and we were forced to restart the entire project again, but I did started to communicate a lot with my co-workers during the second time.  
7.No matter what kind of project we do , team communication is always the primary priority. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The importance of communication
The exchange of information between people to ensure that that there is understanding and harmony in the intended functions is what we can refer to as communication. Failure to communicate in the work place might lead to frustrations and confusion among the employees since there is no sharing of ideas. It is through communication, that people are able to understand each other better and clear any kind of misunderstanding. For any mission to be accomplished in an organization, team leaders must pass down information down the ranks to their subordinates in an efficient manner otherwise, the organization might face imminent failure in their missions.
An order process was heavily delayed due to lack of communication from the suppliers who had failed to communicate about the price increase on some goods, this resulted to doing some financial adjustments which were supposed to be done before the goods got delivered. Due to lack of communication, my team was late on delivering the goods and the client having seen that there was delay of the goods, decided to considerably request some changes with the order hence throwing timing off track hence the project had to be reworked on. It had all began at the first team meeting, whereby since team members were not assigned to any individual tasks as usual everyone got engaged on any other activities aside from concentrating with the current pending order. All focus was drawn on the task of changing the cost structure on the price of materials that had gone up during the course of the order by fixing some budgetary needs that had to be done to be able to come up with additional financing to accommodate the changes. The withdrawn concentration led to time wastage and the order was not delivered as soon as expected forgetting on taking the action of implying communication amongst team members to get the order to be delivered on time. The problem was further compounded due to the fact that the team members were not cooperating, and a meeting had to be done to get everyone focused on the pending order at hand.
Eventually, the whole project had to be done afresh and ensured that communication amongst the team members is maintained in order to coordinate the stages of the project. Being a modern workplace, projects should be assigned in modules to an individual person to make work easy and faster. However since communication is the main key, it was highly retained among the team members to ensure that the team worked in harmony and resul...
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