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Explain the concept of Malcolm Knowles' theory

Essay Instructions:
Topic Explain the concept of Malcolm Knowles' theory of adult learning and discuss its implications for a real-world employee training program. Choose from one of the following corporate employee training programs, and use your own research skills. Briefly describe the organization's training program and evaluate whether you believe the training program is successful based on adult learning theory parameters. Share evidence-based ideas for improving the training program. AT&T Learn University Considerations In your research paper, address the following factors: Does the training meet all five of the adult learning theory assumptions? If so, what elements of the training most closely align with Knowles's theory? If not, what employee training elements are missing and what is the impact? What environmental, social, and cultural aspects influence training outcomes? How can the training be improved, given the way employees prefer to learn today?
Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Concept of Malcolm Knowles' Theory Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Professor Date The Concept of Malcolm Knowles' Theory Knowle’s model expounds on how adults learn new ideas and skills. His theory was a progressive development of various ideas over the years. Knowles establishes five different assumptions of adult learning. The first four were introduced in 1970 to characterize an average adult learner (Govindaraju, 2021). He added the last one in his 1980 revision. This paper analyses how Knowles's assumptions align with an employee training program, specifically the AT&T learn training program, and how it can be improved based on existing understanding of adult learning. AT&T Learn Training Program AT&T Learn training program offers affordable training initiatives meant to improve the skills and knowledge of workers across all levels and departments. Combined with online modules, practical on-the-job training, and in-person workshops, this program ensures that organizations experience a well-rounded learning experience focusing on diverse learning styles and predilections (First, 2019). Through such an all-inclusive method, workers can participate in content at their step while also benefiting from practical learning opportunities. By leveraging a blend of traditional and modern training techniques, AT&T’s learning program equips workers with the capabilities needed to excel in their roles and acclimate to the changing demands of the telecommunication industry. Analysis based on Knowles' Assumptions Self-concept This model assumes that adult learners tend to shift from a dependent learning structure to an independent, self-directed learning. Through the self-concept, Knowles proposes that adults take ownership of their learning journey (Govindaraju, 2021). The training program offers elf-paced online modules, allowing workers to take co...
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