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Discussion Evaluates Explains The Outcomes Of My Self Assessment Tests

Essay Instructions:

Reflect on what you discovered and write a 500 word summary. Utilize some

of the phrases - which you agree with - the assessments use to describe your

personality type. Talk to a peer and compare results. Was the assessment

accurate? If so, why? If not, why not? Did it help you articulate your strengths?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Self-assessment tests are essential for understanding one’s strengths and weaknesses. These tests enable individuals to comprehend better who they are. A comprehensive self-assessment should include items such as values, skills, personality, and interests. By going through a consistent and systematic comparison of core life values, people get a clear sense of what they need to focus on to achieve a more balanced and fulfilling life. Additionally, self-assessment tests help people to identify their skill gaps, set realistic goals and may also aid in choosing their careers. This discussion evaluates and explains the outcomes of my self-assessment tests.
The results of my personality test indicated that I am extroverted (61%). Extraversion shows how outgoing and social a person is. Ordinarily, individuals who score high in extraversion are characterized by talkativeness, sociability, and excitability. Also, such individuals seek out social stimulation and opportunities to engage with others. The results also indicated that I am observant (54%). Individuals with this trait tend to direct their mental energy on the actual world and the things happening around them (Psychology Today, 2012). Also, observant people focus on the present instead of wondering why or when something might happen.
Regarding the nature scale which determines how people make decisions, the test results indicated that I have the feeling trait (74%). Usually, people with this trait tend to be highly emotional, compassionate and sensitive. When making decisions, they listen to their heart and consider other peoples’ feelings (16Personalities, 2018). Regarding the tactics scale which dictates the way people approach planning and available choices, the results showed that I am prospecting (79%). Individuals with this characteristic have a sense of control. They are aware that life is full of possibilities and they make choices when they are necessary. The test also showed that I am assertive (51%). People with this personality do not care about self-perfectionism and are more confident in social situations.
Understanding one’s strengths and weaknesses are critical because they enable people to understan...
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