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Individual Assignment 1. Digital Forensics Incident Response

Essay Instructions:

Objective: Design a digital forensic incident response and analysis toolkit. Describe the preparation, tools, and procedures necessary for responding to an incident. The description should include the purpose of each tool and the role it plays in an investigation. Develop a scenario response that includes both computer and mobile device examination. Describe how your toolkit and procedures would be used during the scenario from initial notification to report delivery and results presentation.

Course Goals:

1. Develop and utilize a methodology for digital evidence collection, preservation, and analysis.

2. Develop incident response plan and procedures for a variety of digital forensic situations.

3. Evaluate environment for global/international influences and determine implications on forensic procedures.

5. Appraise appropriate digital forensic techniques for Network, Internet, and Cloud-based environments.

8. Incorporate validated forensic results into appropriate action plans, reporting, information sharing, and information archiving procedures.


Slatestone Land Development contracted Acer Tree Service to clear land for construction of several homes. The home is located on a bluff with a tree obstructed view of a lake. The tree service cut several trees that were on a private landowner’s property that were obstructing the lake view for the new homes. The private landowner is upset because she now has a ‘fish bowl’ effect where the new homes are looking at her house whereas before the tree cutting episode her home was secluded.

The developer claims he didn’t authorize the tree cutting. The new home owners claim that they didn’t request the trees to be cut. Acer Tree Service claims that they were instructed cut all the trees that were marked with red spray paint. Slatestone and Acer have worked in the past, and marking trees with red spray paint is standard practice in the industry. All 18 trees were clearly marked with red paint, though no one from Slatestone was on site to supervise, and Slatestone claims they did not mark the 18 trees that were mistakenly cut.

The private landowner has decided to file a lawsuit for criminal trespass and destruction of property against Slatestone, Acer, and the owners of the new homes for the 18 mature maple trees that were cut. The law firm representing the private landowner has successfully argued for electronic discovery of the phones and computer for the home owners, Slatestone, and Acer in order to establish fault and liability. You have been hired to perform the digital forensic examination. The court order stipulates that only email and text messages from one month prior to the incident to the present time may be retrieved. Further stipulations include that the forensic report must first be provided to opposing counsel and is subject to objection. Additionally, the court order indicates that if you disclose information to the private landowner or her legal representative that you could be subject to civil and criminal prosecution. You have ten days to schedule your evidence collection and submit your reports to opposing counsel.


You need to outline the tools and materials you will need to complete this engagement, indicating how each tool will be utilized. Provide a schedule that outlines your plan for completing the investigation, including coordinating evidence seizure and report dissemination. In a distinct section of your assignment, outline the steps that you will take to comply with the court order.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Digital Forensics Incident Response
Students Name
Institutional Affiliation
The manner in which data is collected, recovered and analyzed plays a substantial role in determining the outcome of the case. A lot of cases have been closed due to the lack of enough evidence. Therefore, the investigator should ensure that collect as much evidence as possible to help in building their case (Taylor, Fritsch & Liederbach, 2014).
Case background
In this scenario, Slatestone Company contracted Acer Tree Services to cut down trees. The owner of the land filed a suit, and none of the above companies or the homeowners took the liability of ordering the cutting of the trees. Therefore, I have been hired to collect data from the text messages and emails of the parties involved and dating back to a month before the scenario occurred.
Day 1 and day 2

Assembling the necessary tools for the forensics lab

Day 3 to day 5

Data collection

Day 6 to day 8

Data sorting and analysis

Day 9 and day 10

Compilation of the report

Planning and Preparation
The planning will ensure that the investigation team has all the tools that they require in order to seize evidence and transport it whenever necessary. It is important to have a variety of tools because they will help in overcoming the challenge of cybersecurity. In addition, the whole process requires permission in order to commence and, therefore, given the fact that the landowner has already filed a complaint, the parties involved will have to cooperate in giving out the necessary information. The whole process should take ten days and therefore, there is no room for mistakes.
The process of data collection will require us to use various tools such as the forensic toolkit which consists of magnifying glasses to view tiny objects, latex gloves to safeguard the hands, a head lamp for viewing dark areas and a first aid kit. As well, we will carry digital cameras for taking pictures such as the red marks that Acer Tree Services claimed to be on the trees. In addition, an anti-static strap will be used to prevent the destruction of evidence. Jump drives and blank hard drives will be necessary for making copies of the evidence collected (Perumal, Norwawi & Raman, 2015). This would act as a backup just in case something happens to the original data. The copying will be done using Ninja Disk Imager. Write blocker will be used to ensure that the copies of data in the hard drives can only be read but not edited hence preventing the tampering of evidence. Converter cables will help in the case whereby we encounter a different type of internet connection. A laptop will be very important for ensuring mobility and the documentation of information at hand.
In regard to mobile forensics, a faraday bag will be included to block the cellphones from accessing other networks hence making it easy for the team to retrieve the necessary information without interruptions. We will use the mobile forensics toolkit by Cellebrite to clone the data on the mobile phones and arrange it into reports of different sections (Kumari & Mohapatra, 2016). This would reduce the burden of analyzing the data. Chain of custody forms will be carried to act as proof that the evidence was not tampered with (Damshenas, Dehghantanha & Mahmoud, 2014). In addition, before commencing with the exercise, will ensure that all the tools to be used are in good condition.
Data collection
The process of data collection will commence by visiting ...
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