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An Event that Changed Your Worldview: 911 Research

Essay Instructions:

Topic: 911 World Trade Center Terrorism Attack You may use outside sources if you document them using APA format, or you may write this essay based entirely on your knowledge/experience.

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The September 11 2001 attacks have been documented as one of the worst manmade catastrophes to ever hit America (Walker, 2006). It is an event that remains edged in the hearts and minds of many considering the damage that was done. It is estimated that approximately, more than 2,000 lives were lost during the tragedy, property destroyed and millions of people displaced from their homes. The World Trade Center in New York City was also destroyed and so was part of the Pentagon building. The Department of Homeland Security admits that this is one of the worst events that it had to deal with in the entire American history (Walker, 2006).
One of the worldviews that has since changed since the September 2011 attacks is that terrorism is a global threat that can affect any country (Jacob, 2012). There was tendency previously to look at terrorism as regional problem and that was seen to affect developing countries only. With a change in this mindset, countries are now rallying together to work for a common goal. Both the developed and the developing world view terrorism as common enemy and there are now concerted efforts to ensure that the threat is overcome.
With September 2011 attacks people became more careful, a little skeptical and perhaps a bit of paranoia. There are now more security checks in public places than would be necessary. Although it is necessary to be careful, the security checks have become so common until one wonders whether they serve any purposes. People have also become very vigilant and will report even upon the slightest of suspicion.
One group of people who continue to face negative stereotyping are those of Islam affiliation. Terrorism in general has no religion. However, it is unfortunate that most terro...
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