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Description Narration Assignment: Educational Upbringing

Essay Instructions:

1. Please construct a narrative essay that responds to the following prompt:
Identify and explore an important thematic statement based on a thorough and detailed description of your educational upbringing.
*Feel free to focus in on any grade level, including your time in college.
*Provide a clear context: who, what, when, and where. Provide a vivid description of the people and environments that are involved in your narration. Bring them to life so that the reader can accurately and emotionally connect to what you are writing about.
*Provide a clear emotional resonance. It's one thing to literally state events that occurred, but what the reader needs to know is what these events meant/mean to you on an emotional, psychological, and otherwise-related level. In our web-conference this week I will say more about the important back-and-forth that occurs in narrative writing between describing the actual events and people and then pulling back to explain what these events and people really mean to you, and/or why they are important, and/or why you are sentimental toward them, and importantly, in what ways they reinforce the thematic statement that you have initially identified.
2. This narrative needs to be minimum of four pages (with writing well onto the fourth page, not barely).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Educational upbringing
Educational Upbringing
Secondary school is the point when someone realizes the need to study. A student wakes up to several interests, ambitions, and future journeys. At such a time, the need to be that best doctor, wizard engineer, intelligent accountant or the dangerous computer expert dawns. One gets confused on what best they could study. A stampede of thoughts scramble in for attention and conjures a lot of research and consultations from people who appear to know a lot. Their pieces of advice are full of encouragements and discouragements in equal measure. These people unfortunately leave them more desperate for information than when they visited. I am one person who went through this, and the reflections when linked to where I am now leave me nostalgic.
As soon as I joined the secondary level, I wanted to become a journalist. There is this crazy man I watched on TV, doing investigative pieces and coming up with stories people could not imagine. John Krieger was his name. I would miss important programs in other channels but watch his reports. Then as if some powers of nature acted on me, my interest in journalism pushed me to write beginning writing articles. I later discovered that becoming a journalist demanded more than met the eye.
The role of my family in my education became vivid at this point. The intimidations every evening by my elder brother, the soft and tender care by my mother coupled with gentle guidance of my father shaped me. My brother, David Brown was naughty of taking me through writing. I hated being forced to accept that I was foolish and needed to be sharp. We clashed on several occasions.
Being taught by a language teacher on how to write articles is one of those dreaded things one would wish. The lexical organization, grammatical presentation and the convincing prowess is a must condition. My brother was an expert teacher, giving instructions, sometimes halfway and expecting full results instantly without cares of one’s learning speed. For one year, we knocked each other on this, but I achieved the goal.
School life was boring during winter. Waking up in the chilly mornings to do a few assignments and meeting the deadlines set were the most annoying. A mathematics teacher existed, who would explain equations and fail in giving examples. If he gave, then the equations were not described. I ended up extending a dislike to mathematics as to the teacher. At some time he failed to explain and show applications of differential equations. It was terrible.
All the drama continued at home and in school. Upon finding my compass and bearing, I began to handle things alone. Having understood the different fields of journalism, I settled on photojournalism. I had to move out every weekend to take photos and carry to school for my teacher to evaluate. These were with restrictions of areas I would not step into. Some places, like security houses, were not to be photographed for fear of unnecessary sharing of images. I remember at one moment, I took a photo of the department of intelligence, followed by threats of arrest. If it were not for my age and school ID, I would have slept in the cells.
In my last years in high school, I developed health issues. M...
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