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Evaluation of an Article

Essay Instructions:

1. Find an article, news report, analysis, think piece, etc. from a media outlet or other sources of popular information. Your chosen article must contain numerical analysis, graphical analysis, or preferably both. For this purpose, either conventional, reputable sources or the more discredited sources could be considered. "Fake news" are, in fact, very good for this assignment.

2. Write a brief summary of the article in your own words. What is the author's argument ? What conclusion do they make? What conclusion do they want us, the reader, to make? Find out about their data source and do some research into it: how was the data collected, by whom and for what purpose? If there is any chart in the original article, include a photo or screen shot of it in your write up.

3. Critically evaluate the article, using the tools you learnt this week. This should be the bulk of your write up. Examples of things to consider: did they do any tricks with their numerical and graphical analyses? Are they trying to pass correlation as causation? What about framing of risk and probability? What is omitted and left out ("the unknown unknown")? Are they trying to manipulate our flawed cognitive patterns in any ways (rule of thumbs, representation, biased association, logically fallacies, etc.) ? Is there any problem with their data (using the Data Feminism chapter as a guide for critique).

*** Note:

(1) Remember this is a reading reviews, so you must demonstrate your understanding of the readings in your write up

(2) feel free to reach out to discuss your assignment with me

(3) if you find an article that doesn't contain any (or not many) statistical traps, manipulation, or invalid reasoning, that would make your write up more difficult and reflect poorly on your grade. Researching the appropriate materials for your assignment is a skill, and we want you to practice that skill here.

(4) As usual, total length should be about 4 pages and format should be a Word or PDF document. Always include your name and student ID in your write up, and name the file correctly, e.g. ECON397_Module1_Smith_Joe.pdf


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Module 2 Reading Review
Author’s Name
Institution of Affiliation
Course Name
Instructor’s Name
Module 2 Reading Review
Chaudhari et al. (2022) article, “Graphical and numerical analysis of the components of Gene effect on the quality trait of Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under varying environmental conditions," reflects on the impacts of a genetic on the quality of bread wheat in various environmental situations. The article claims that the main complex issue in refining nutritious behaviors is the impact on genotypes of diverse backgrounds. Choosing greater genotypes based on the gene effects analysis for different environments is necessary. The analysis utilizes ten varying genotypes of bread wheat in the research. Hybrids, parents, and two typical forms are reviewed in a comprehensive random block design with w reproduces in 4 environments.
The component of the gene impact affirms that several characters are controlled by additive and central gene action in the surroundings. On the other hand, over-dominance and asymmetrical dispersal of negative-positive and recessive-dominance genes and sense-narrow hereditary were present in most characters in every environment. Graphical analysis showed the occurrence of regression b is united amongst contents of protein, starch content, and sedimentation value, demonstrating the lack of digenic interactions (Chaudhari et al., 2022). As a result, a given populace can be enhanced to separate better recombinants for the growth of the wanted parents in forthcoming breeding platforms.
According to the author, wheat is a major agronomic crop most people cultivate globally. It supplies approximately 35% of the global population's food (Chaudhari et al., 2022). However, Chaudhari and co-authors purport that while several strategies are adopted to address the issue of deficiency in wheat, they are expensive and unsustainable to solve malnutrition. The paper argues that biofortification can improve wheat's nutritional content sustainably and economically. Research reveals that biofortification is a critical venture that guarantees an affordable, long-term, and sustainable approach in the fight against unseen starvation, as once biofortified crops are created, there is zero cost of purchasing fortificants (Garg et al., 2018). Thus, fortification for wheat can be achieved via several mechanisms, including an agronomic approach that consists of direct foliar or fertilizer application.
The author wants the reader to understand that conventional breeding can facilitate achieving qualitative features more easily than quantitative traits. Besides, the author wants the scholars to emphasize developing and evaluating cultivars for their increased production and superior wheat that achieves the demands of forthcoming inhabitants’ development. Improving the yield and quality of wheat varieties relies on the genetic capability and desired intrinsic variability present in the population based on grain yield (Kumar et al., 2016). Consequently, wheat breeders should target producing good-modified and high-yielding diversities using the best end-use quality.
The investigational gene components consisted of ten parents, 45 parents' hybrids, and two check varieties. The crosses among the parents took place in Rabi 2017-2018 through a 10 X 10 diallel mating exclusive of reciprocals. The hybrids, parents, and standard check...
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