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Evaluate and Reflect on Progress. Self-Improvement Journey

Essay Instructions:

Throughout this course, you’ve participated in a process: You’ve identified a challenge to succeeding in college, you’ve given yourself a goal, and you’ve created an action plan with steps and strategies that support the accomplishment of that goal.

Create a presentation in your choice of format that takes the professor through your self-improvement journey.

Reflect on your progress by answering the following prompts:

Evaluate: Were you able to make any improvements or chip away at your goal? Why or why not?

Explain: What worked for you? What didn’t work? Why?

Reflect: What would you do differently next time? How might you apply what you learned through this process to other challenges you face in life?

Advise: What 2 pieces of advice would you give an incoming freshman? Use personal stories from your own experience and/or class lessons/activities to support your advice.

This final reflection can be done by any of these methods- you can write an essay (3-5 paragraphs) answering these questions, you can create a PowerPoint, or you can record a video reflection. If you have any other creative ideas just run it by me FIRST!

Remember, this is a time to reflect on the past semester—you are not being graded on whether or not you accomplished your goal. Goat-setting is an ongoing process, whether the goal is big or small, it's the journey that is the important part to reflect on. Flex that growth mindset - you are growing and adjusting and that takes time!

This is 20% of your overall grade so make sure you do this assignment and follow all of the above mentioned requirements. If you choose to write an essay then follow all writing/formatting guidelines below. If you make a power point, make sure all questions are answered fully and you have a title slide with name and class. If you do a video recording then make sure you answer all questions fully and introduce yourself.


All papers must contain a proper left-aligned heading (your name, course, date) and a title (that is centered below the heading)

Essays should be at least 3-5 paragraphs

Indent the first line of all paragraphs

An academic paragraph must contain at least 3 sentences

Double-spaced ONLY (including between the header, title, and paragraphs)

12 point font ONLY

New Times Roman or Calabria font ONLY


Students may not submit course work from other classes

Written work is graded on its originality, content, clarity, and proper use of APA references/citations if they are required (direct quotes, statistical data, specific dated events).

All papers must contain proper spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and sentence structure.

All papers must be submitted through Canvas

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Self-Improvement Journey
Student's Name:
Unit Name & Number:
Date of Submission
Self-Improvement Journey
Self-improvement is the individual's conscious decision to enhance knowledge, habits, and character by putting in efforts, setting goals, and evaluating progress. Self-improvement allows you to identify your strengths and capitalize on them and work on your weaknesses, or, at the very least, be aware of them. Developing a self-improvement culture can change your life forever and is applicable in all aspects of one's life; school, career, relationships, and life in general (Emily, R. 2014).
During the semester, I was able to make improvements in my goals by tracking them. Setting specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely (SMART) goals made it a lot easier to keep track of them and identify the gaps instantly. I observed a significant improvement from the previous semester, especially with being intentional about not missing classes, which saw me understand topics better and with less effort. Additionally, allocating study times to my units ensured that my recreation time did not eat into study time. Even though the temptation to hang out with my friends longer was great, I did look forward to checking my achievements against the set goals, and that acted as a great motivation.
Initially, I thought that keeping my goal check on actual paper would be ideal. However, I occasionally would forget my goal book and wait until later in the day to check my achievements. The best alternative was keeping the log on my phone, which I always ...
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