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Essay Instructions:
Wide variety to discuss the behaviors you feel are relevant to this category. Examples: 1. Dining protocol 2. Introductions (who gets introduced first in our culture, what to say in an introduction, differences between cultures, shaking hands with males..) 3. Clothing and appearance (what to wear, how to match, what not to wear, what research says about clothing influencing perceptions..) 4. Department of State protocol (how to address the President, senators, judges, rules about the presidency, rules about invitations...) 5. Email/Texting protocol (what to do and what not to do with peers, superiors, interviews..) 6. Any other set of behaviors would count as long as you demonstrate its importance to this assignment.
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Running Head: ETIQUETTE
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Have you ever been subjected to a situation where you felt offended by a person who disregarded a vital social norm? How does it normally feel? For many it is disgusting and outrageous. Many have various words to describe such situations, but the most used word or phrase is etiquette-in this case, for someone to be considered disgusting, annoying or plain offending, they must be lacking in etiquette. So what causes such behavior from people? In order to fully answer this question, it would be important to perhaps define what is meant by etiquette. Etiquette can be defined as a particular code of behavior, that defines the social expectations by a particular group or community is society (Mirriam-webster.com). You can think of it as a set of rules, some not clearly defined, but which govern the societal perception on many issues and practices. Some social classes in the society like to refer to etiquette as a form of societal class. In fact, for many, the right etiquette signifies a worthy upbringing, and is a source of pride.
Examples of situations where etiquette is applied include: at the dining table during meal times, when sending messages for instance text messages and or emails, when attending special occasions such as presentations, when giving speeches to a variety of audiences, and many more others. Basically, etiquette seems to governor everyday life and cannot be ignored. Nevertheless, it is of importance for one to realize the significance culture pays in defining what is right and wrong, what to do and what not to, and where to go, and where not to. Different cultures define etiquette differently. What may seem okay to the Englishman may look obnoxious to the African. However, in recent times, this has not been a concern because of many factors. Globalization is one such factor, which has resulted in the world becoming a global village, where one can take breakfast in London, and have supper in New York. As a result, immigration has been accelerated thus facilitating cultural exchange and consequently, exchange of etiquette.
The Right Etiquette during Mealtime
Many probably refer to this type of behavior as table manners. It is according to research, the most abused of all mannerisms. In order to describe this type of etiquette vividly, it will be of importance to divide dining into two categories; Casual and fine or official dining. In casual dining, personal etiquette is mostly applied and may thus be subject to the individual aptness. Official dining is the most commonly referred, with regard to etiquette. It happens occasionally, when we go to dinners and lunches that we are served something we do not like to eat. In such an occasion, it is best for one to decline the offer politely with the phrase “no thank you” (Post, 2011). It shows respect to the host, while maintaining your conservations. Some cultures such as the Thai one permit some self-graciousness, as a sign of showing invitation to the invitees. So the host takes your arm just before having you take the meal, as a sign of politeness.
Table manners, in most cases extend even to eating itself. For instance how does one handle a fork, and a spoon? It is considered a taboo, to handle a fork with the right hand. When eating soup, it is standard etiquette that one should hold the spoon with the right hand, and slightly tilt the bowl, to facilitate the process. For some religious communities and households, an important aspect that defines the commencement of meals is prayer. Some say a short grace and thereafter, everybody is invited to eat. Although it was stated earlier that refusal of a c...
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